Sonic Beatbox Solo lyrics
by VerbalAse’s Cartoon Beatbox Battles
You ptcan't ptmess ptwith ptme, ptcause I'm ptpure pspeed
I'm gonna leave you in the dust, ya see PTPTPTTPT
I can pbeatbox so pmuch better, abhtprhtpmh
But you're pjust only gettingp fatter, afahmntphph
We know pyou like pto live in pthe sewer, afhmnphnhtp
That's why pyou smell like Kooper'sp poopersp, afhmtpntp
The pcastle is easyp to break in, phthmhnp
PThat's whyp yourp girl is alwaysp ptaken, phmanhtnmnph
He only caresp about thept trophy, pfhnmthmp
PThat's why phe's always killinp Yoshi
Nepmpmpmpmpmpm, hpmpmhtpmpmpmpmpmpmpmpmpmpmpmpmpmpmpmpmpmpmpmpmpmpm spoopermmspupermspupermsupermsuper abhrperperperbhrt
Dadehdehdehbhrrrpuhpnenpnenenenpnenenpnenenepnenepnaopnpnpn, bhrrrpuhpnenpnenenenpnenenpnenenepnenepnenpbrruuhh, puhpnenpnenenenpnenenpnenenepnenepnn, puhpnenpnenenenpnenenpnepnppnepn
You can't mess with super sonic speed!
BrruhYou can't mess with super sonic speed!
BrruhhYou can't mess with super sonic speed!
BbrruhhYou can't mess with super sonic speed!