Woman Prefer Home Owners Not Rent Forever Losers lyrics
by Bruno Powroznik
Woman prefer home owners, not rent forever losers
A serious drawback for the STR of not being a home owner is that they cannot pull slappers with the same ease as they once did when they owned their own house. The STRs did not foresee when they sold their property, what impact it would have on their love life, and in particular the detrimental impact that this would have on the amount and quality of women thеy would get. Slappers prefеr to go out with home owners, not rent forever losers. As soon as a slapper discovers that the guy who's chatting them up is an STR, the slapper would turn around and run a mile and run off back home. Many STRs are finding it difficult to get any crumpet nowadays, because the STRs cannot use the chat up line that they got a big house that belongs to them. The lack of regular snatch is causing the STRs to suffer from pus*y withdrawal symptoms, because of the lack of good quality beaver and are missing the medicinal and therapeutic effects of being with the opposite sex. The dramatic loss of confidence and self-esteem among the STRs is causing many of them to become impotent and experience penile dysfunction, which is seriously affecting their ability to perform. The STRs are very hesitant and reticent about trying to pull the slappers, because the STRs lack of confidence and feelings of inferiority is affecting their libido, which means that they cannot perform well in the bedroom. The STRs are going through cold turkey and being deprived of the necessary beaver to keep them motivated, and as a consequence they're tossing and turning in bed late at night. The STRs are suffering from sexual deprivation and are finding it difficult to cope with the dramatic loss of sex appeal, and find themselves talking a lot about sex as a symptom of them not getting enough. The STRs are not getting enough nookie and it shows in their wild mood swings and weird and freaky behavior.