The Truth About Britain lyrics
by Bruno Powroznik
The truth about Britain
It used to be said that Britain was an island of coal surrounded by fish, but as much of Britain's coal mining industry has been closed down because it was uneconomic, and the waters around Britain have been seriously depleted of fish, Britain is just a dull little island in the North Sea with a moribund and decrepit economy that has been in severe social and economic decline for decades, only to be punctuated by the wild and somewhat bizarre and freakish behavior of its warped housing market.
The British economy has been systematically destroyed through a series of highly destructive cycles of boom-and-bust, which has left Britain with a barely functioning economy that is just limping along and is almost entirely based around its housing market. Much of Britain's manufacturing base was destroyed in the recession of the early 1980s, and the rest of the economy was severely decimated and [?] in the recession of the early 1990s, which was the worst recession since the Great Depression.
Britain has run as a private little fiefdom by the city slickers who operate in the city of London and by various secret societies. In Britain, it is not what you know but who you know that is important. People get lucrative jobs for having the right connections and by nepotism – jobs for the boys. Britain is run by a clique, a privileged elite, who operate in secret for their own benefit. Britain is the ultimate gangster state, run by an establishment of crooks and cronies and secret societies who pull the strings behind the scenes.
The economy is run in the best interests of the rich city slickers that work in the city of London to the detriment of ordinary people. Britain is a place where corruption and sleaze is rampant, and so be prepared to tolerate a little corruption in order to get things done, but [?] run by vested interests that will always prevail regardless of which political party happens to be in power.
Sensitive economic statistics, like inflation, unemployment, economic growth, are fiddled to make the figures look much better than they really are. Britain's main export is property price inflation to other countries, which causes property prices overseas to be much higher than they ought to be. Therefore, even if you escape from this grubby little country, you will find that Britain has a way of catching up with you, one way or another.
Britain is- allows- for a long time had problems with its low productivity, and one of the reasons for this is that the British are continually stabbing one another in the front sides and back, conducting whispering campaigns, spreading rumors and playing office politics. The main reason for lower productivity is that the British spend most of their working hours talking about house prices, rather than doing any productive work. The British have a warped fascination-obsession with property, and in particular house prices. The English view the rise in the value of their homes as some form of second income which is tax-free. Given that the British are taxed up to the eyeballs, it is little wonder that the [?] don't so much talk about how much they earn, since it all goes to the taxman, and instead rely on the rise in the value of their homes as some form of second income , which is tax-free. Given that the British economy is totally rubbish, it is quite amazing that there's a boom in house prices at all. House prices have been rising for over a decade, even though the economy is completely rubbish. It is only the English who can cause the value of the decrepit shoebox-sized homes to rise in value when the economy is totally rubbish.