In The Beauty Of It All lyrics
by Travis Scott
He opens his eyes to the sound of snow melting, a tapping sound of water falling to the ground
The sun creates a halo above the trees, and he recollects a Jesus statue he saw as a child
He lies there, in the beauty of it all, trying to stay in that moment
Eventually he will feel the cold from the wet ground, soon he will feel the rumbling in his empty stomach
Before long, he will have to swallow his pride
And ask people for money, with his hand stretched out
Before long, he will have to swallow his pride
And ask people for money, with his hand stretched out
But for now, he will just lie there, in the beauty of it all
Forgetting all the ugliness that life has thrown at him, ignoring the glares from people walking by
Disdaining the pointing fingers from passive bystanders, trying to dismiss the sore back that years on the ground has caused him
He just wants to lie there, in this moment, in the beauty of it all
He was a person once, with hopes and dreams for the future
Now he can't even remember who that person was anymore
He sits on the sidewalk, hand outstretched, an emptiness in his eyes
You walk on by, but keep your eyes on the sky
You see him, but you pretend that you don't
You hear him, but you pretend that you don't
You wish he wasn't there, but he is
And you see him
You know he is there, but soon you'll be in the safety of your home
And you will have forgotten all about him
Outside, he struggles with the cold, hurting his limbs
But that's not your problem
That's the beauty of it all
That's the beauty of being privileged
That's the beauty of being you
Ignorance is bliss
It could have been you
It could have been me
In this moment
In the beauty of it all
It could have been you
It could have been me
In this moment
In the beauty of it all
In the beauty of it all