Makeshift Intro lyrics
by Kill Bill: The Rapper
[Skit: Scuare]
You get it working yet?
Uhh.. almost..?
Ah, it's not working
How come nothing y'all make ever works?
It DOES work. It just, needs a little tap is all
Uh, Bill, give it a little nudge
*Light bang*
Come on.. a little bit harder? Maybe?
*Light bang*
Dude.. HARDER!
*Continuous heavy banging*
Jesus Christ, you're gonna break the damn thing!
What are you doing?!
*Electric whirring*
H-h-hey guys! I think it's working!
Wait what??
See? I got it working
And you were yelling at me!
Oh, thank God
Do we have a reading on the others..?
Uhh, let's see... what does this button do?