All I want is to remember the way that we used to be
The whole universe was just you and me
Every single time we threw our hearts in the air
We brought it back down so beautifully
All I wanna do is take it all back, but I can’t rewind
Get my head on straight and keep my heart in line
I know I play it off like I just don’t care
But I still hear your voice in my head sometimes
Don’t know what I became when you walked out
You were too far away to see the fallout
If you ever really wanted me
You should’ve fought for me; you should’ve died for me
Truth is, I love when it hurts
I know it’s f*cked up, that’s the way my heart works
I only want when I’m not wanted; I only love after I’ve lost it
Kinda funny how we only see it clearest when it’s far away
And we only seem to want it when it’s far too late
But every single time we throw our hearts in the air
We brought it back down to a different state
All I wanna do is take it all back, but I can’t rewind
Get my head on straight and keep my heart in line
I try to tell myself that I just don’t care
But it’s her voice ringing in my head this time
Is it too late for waiting, no second chances
No second guessing, no second glances
No way to go back, no way to unhurt
No way to be there when you needed comfort
Do you really feel like there’s a change in me
Do you really love me or just love what you want me to be?
On the battlefield of what we used to be
Would you have fought for me?
Would you have died for me?
Would you climb up into the sky and into the stars for me?
Would you promise that you’d give up who you are for me?
And would you get down on your knees and pray to god for me?
Make it stop for me, let me always be
Number one in your heart
But I can’t be what you want because
I’m burned by the fire but I still love the spark
And I can’t put it out, and I can’t be changed
To watch this beautiful thing go up in beautiful flames