User Interview: BasedGator lyrics
by ᗴvelyn
Disclaimer: This is sereinik speaking, because lemonade happens to be a popular drink and it still is. I've revitalized and I'm back again to haunt you beaches.
I don't want to lose my pride, but I've come back Vogue style. Here is 73 Questions with BasedGator, otherwise known as the iconic Yusef Lewis. Based off of the popular Vogue series 73 Questions, which I absolutely love, this is the second of probably a long-running series - check out @sosad2112’s 73 Questions here. Enjoy, because I scalped myself and panicked over this glorious interview - BasedGator was a last minute replacement and he’s killed it.
SEREINIK: Hi! I’m here from Genius, and I’m going to ask you 73 questions, if that doesn't sound too insane.
So - to begin - What are you most excited for this next month?
SRK: Best part of Genius?
BG: The community! Also the memes.
SRK: Warm or cool colors?
BG: Whichever green falls under.
SRK: Where are you from?
BG: Charlotte, North Carolina.
SRK: Describe your relationship with your parents in six words or less.
BG: They are why I’m so awesome.
SRK: A new app you’re using that you really like?
BG: I actually got the Netflix App on my phone not too long ago, very nice.
SRK: What’s the worst part of your day?
BG: The commute. Always the commute.
SRK: Explain your username for all the uneducated scrubs (like me).
BG: Based - I love me some Lil B - and Gator - I love me some Florida Gators athletics.
SRK: Favorite ethnic food?
BG: Does soul food count? If not Japanese.
SRK: So, Yusef - what do you consider the best album of 2016 so far?
BG: The Life of Pablo, closely followed by Lemonade and The Colour of Anything.
SRK: Apples or oranges?
BG: Bananas? Bananas.
SRK: Pitch the rap genre to a non-rap fan in fifteen words or less.
BG: It’s lit.
SRK: Who did you aspire to be like when you were younger?
BG: My dad tbh. He was always there for the fam.
SRK: Favorite subject from high school?
BG: Art.
SRK: Favorite Hollywood sex symbol?
BG: Uh...Kim Kardashian I suppose. She’s like the only one I know and I like her so, yeah haha.
SRK: Movie genre you dislike.
BG: Honestly I’ll watch pretty much anything if it looks good.
SRK: Favorite cake flavor?
BG: Birthday/confetti and Red Velvet. I enjoy cake a lot, can’t just pick one.
SRK: What size shirt are you?
BG: Large.
SRK: How much tongue in your kisses is the perfect amount?
SRK: What gets you up in the morning?
BG: Breakfast.
SRK: Lemonade or soda?
BG: Lemonade. I don’t drink soda at all.
SRK: Who occupies the most of your pyong feed on average?
BG: Streetlights I think, but I must admit I check it less than I should haha.
SRK: What computer do you use the most?
BG: My Lenovo laptop.
SRK: How do you deal with stress?
BG: Playing FIFA and listening to songs produced by members of 808 Mafia.
SRK: What never fails to make you smile?
BG: Lil B tweets.
SRK: Advertising logo you really like?
BG: The old Instagram logo (RIP)
SRK: Go to news channel?
BG: Twitter.
SRK: Political affiliation?
BG: Independent
SRK: A meme you relate to on a spiritual level?
SRK: Go-to location/activity for the first date?
BG: I’m a fan of dinner + a long walk, to be honest.
SRK: Apple or Android?
BG: Android
SRK: Favorite chocolate brand?
BG: Hershey’s
SRK: What Genius merch do you own?
BG: OG RapGenius wordmark shirt, OG Genius wordmark shirt, Rick Ross RG shirt, RG “ugly sweater” shirt (tan and grey), RG “ugly sweater” tank (blue), OG Sngarly shirt (grey), Genius Engineering long sleeve (black and white), Year-end list shirt (black)
SRK: What would your debut album be called if you were a rising rap star?
SRK: A cute thing that’s happened to you in the last month?
BG: This old lady very pleasantly said hi to me when I was walking home with Chinese takeout.
SRK: Do you believe in aliens?
BG: Heck yeah.
SRK: Favorite Shakespeare play?
BG: Romeo and Juliet (it’s the only one I know pretty well ;_;)
SRK: Most important part of a relationship?
BG: (Open) Communication
SRK: Least pleasurable noise(s)?
BG: These new fangled police sirens.
SRK: What’s your workout schedule look like?
BG: I used to lift at least 3 times a week but now moved so I haven’t in awhile ;_;
SRK: Dream city to live in?
BG: Brooklyn’s pretty much it, to be honest. I think living in the Bay Area would be cool too.
SRK: Write a cryptic explanation of a rap album in ten words or less and see if anyone in the comments can figure out what it is.
BG: Oh baby, this alien just hit a three-peat.
SRK: Hey, one of my friends has a question for you - what would you do if you got a feature on one of Lil B’s songs?
BG: Basically a Lil B themed monologue i.e. the intro to “Love Sosa.”
SRK: The punchline of your favorite joke, but without any context?
BG: Even in the afterlife she makes us fight, good riddance.
SRK: Word you hate hearing.
BG: “Can’t.” Also not big on “moist” either.
SRK: Oldest piece of furniture you own?
BG: Haha, I don’t own any furniture.
SRK: Favorite 70s song?
BG: Parliament - “Flash Light”
SRK: Pick two: money, time, and energy.
BG: Energy and money
SRK: Describe your experience in high school in a single word.
BG: Atypical
SRK: Spill the tea about a fellow Genius user/staff member.
BG: Streetlights wears a piece of “The Life of Pablo” merch every day.
SRK: Ideal family?
BG: My boo, 1 son, 2 younger daughters.
SRK: Life motto?
BG: “Keep it based.”
SRK: Dream house?
BG: Something in the ‘burbs, lots of natural sunlight and enough trees to hear the wind come through.
SRK: Biggest influence on you when you were growing up?
BG: My Pops (I don’t even call him that lmao)
SRK: North or South?
BG: South south south side.
SRK: Favorite uncommon celebrity baby name?
BG: North West has grown on me, prolly ‘cause she just seems like such a cute kid.
SRK: Favorite color to wear?
BG: Apparently black, looking at my clothes.
SRK: What does wealth mean to you?
BG: Being able to live the life I want comfortably.
SRK: How will I know if he really loves me?
BG: He’ll show it in good times and in bad.
SRK: Any recurring dreams plaguing your sleep?
BG: Nah, I don’t dream a whole lot, to be honest.
SRK: How would you describe your fashion sense?
BG: Broke college kid chic.
SRK: Hit me with a cheesy Valentine’s Day pun.
BG: Will you Lil B mine?
SRK: How has Genius shaped your musical taste, if at all?
BG: It’s pushed me to listen to more diverse stuff, both rap and non-rap.
SRK: Average hours of sleep?
BG: Right now like 6.5 ;_;
SRK: Hidden talent?
BG: I like to think I’m good at writing bars
SRK: Rising artist everyone needs to know about?
BG: 070 Shake has all the makings of the next SoundCloud superstar.
SRK: Favorite obscure Urban Dictionary word?
BG: Schwag. For a while this was a Lil B adlib and UD defines it as low-grade weed, so I thought Lil B was talking about that until I realized he’s just saying ‘Swag’ in a cool way.
SRK: How do you remain such a positive being?
BG: Basically, I just keep saying ‘Look at the bright side’ or ‘Make the best of this situation.’
SRK: Are you a light or heavy sleeper?
BG: Light.
SRK: What do you like so much about Emma Stone?
BG: This reminds me to update my bio haha. But I just think she’s just really cool, to be honest. Great sense of humor and quite talented.
SRK: Do you believe in love?
BG: For sure.
SRK: Hit me up with your self-promotion social media tags.
BG: I hate plugging my socials because I’m boring but my Twitter is @Mountain_Mane and IG is ylew11 (both will prolly be changing soon though).
SRK: Thank you for having me. One last question: is the sea raining, or is the rain seeing?
BG: Pretty sure the sea turns to rain, I think that’s how the water cycle works...
Thank you to the incredible BasedGator for talking to me. Look out next quarter for an overdue interview with pop goddess Tyler, aka @LanaDelReyquaza, and potentially more Genius titans. This is sereinik, signing off.