by KnownByAlex
[Verse 1]
Right over the sunset
The sky fades back to red
And right above your head
The moon shines bright again
The night will approach
As you walk down this empty road
Clouds overcast above
The rain, it pours, you fill with love
You love to be alone
You love the empty road
You love the thoughts you get
Although deep down you wish
That she was here with you
That she would tell the truth
That she would be the same
As she was when you met
[Verse 2]
And the cycle starts again
Sun comes up, the day begins
It feels like nothing has changed
It all feels the same
And as soon as the rain
Starts to fall, you think again
About every single thing
You believe you’re to blame
[Verse 3]
But as soon as the rain falls
You are free all night long
Running through the puddles, strong
You will not wait for no one
Lit all up by the street lights
Sometimes people flashing by
But you don’t bat an eye
You’re the worlds forgotten boy tonight