Verse 1 (teasing)
I have been there my friends
I know what it's like to be teased to the point it affects you
But you just have to get through it
I'm sorry i can't help u and be there in person
But i'm oversea's trying to make the dough to keep you and your mom secured but, i'm missing you guys every second i'm gone
But I'll be home one day and thing will get better don't worry I've seen so many thing's back then kids giving up to much and that was what i wanted to prevent and be the one person that could solve this it is not working out
I just don't know what to say or do cause i feel like a pine cone lonely and can fall off at time
3 days later
Just read your letter
Glad to see your doing better
(goes out to fight a battle as a solider)
Bye he says to his partner in battle
The end
Verse 2 (rumors)
They were best friends ready move somewhere in a few weeks about to graduate when one day they got in a really heated argument and the one called Jason told everyone Ralph was a gay boy and it spread like wildfire leading to everyone asking him about it and making fun of him cause even through he not everyone believing it and making fun of him is another thing
So Ralph goes home grabs a pillow and beats it to try to relieve his anger
But it didn't it just p*ssed him off even more
He started to plan revenge on Jason he will pay
So next day Jason is walking down the street and then grabbed by two people and then they beat him but, wait Ralph did not plan this finds Jason helps him up and Jason apologizes
Verse 3 (physical violence)
They always be telling you your trash then beat u up after class you try to avoid them by wearing a mask but, that does not help you because you their victim I am there watching you being abused by them everyday
I know i should do something but, I don't then one day you got so sad that i did something about it
It probably was not smart but, I fought them once I got there I just got beat up but, still fought and ended up winning til I was stabbed
So if you know someone is getting stop it before it's to late