Will This Be Humanity’s Fate lyrics
by Prince Ea
If there is one topic we should agree on it is this
Earth is a living organism and if it dies we die
I picked my nephew Tommy up from school last week, usually a happy kid but today Tommy had a frown on his face as he walked to the car. As he got in the passenger seat, I said ‘T what’s wrong?’ He says, Uncle, why don’t people get it, I say get what, what do you mean
He said the need to take care of our environment. It is so obvious. I say, well break it down for me
He said, trees clean the air, man builds factories, factories poison the air, man destroys trees, man breaths the air. Man dies
And after I picked my jaw off the ground from here one of the most pro-found statements from anyone let alone a nine-year-old child, I said, then I guess factories will rule the earth
We both awkwardly laughed and later that night I couldn’t help but contemplate, will this truly be humanity’s fate. Shall we be the accomplices to our own destruction, victims of our own corruption ambition and over-consumption; like a man addicted to drugs every society thinks it can’t happen to them – until it does
We are the most advanced species to ever exist. But sometimes, I wonder if some future alien culture will look back on us as nature’s failed experiment
Evolutions could have been, you know like that basketball player everybody says it was better than Jordan, but never reached his peak because he got caught up in the streets. Will we be another example of wasted potential?
I don’t mean to go existential but every day corporations sell millions of Smartphones, Smart TV’s, even Smart Water. But smart people seem to be constantly on back order – maybe that’s an oversimplification or an understatement
Nonetheless, the fact remains that we human beings make machines to fix problems – that we created
Everything we do is over complicated by design, I mean there’s 19 damn ingredients that go into McDonald’s fries my God, why do we choose greed over need, profit over people, price over cost, sufficient over efficient
If this is the quintessential definition of intelligence then, where can I sign up to be primitive?
I remember when my science teacher told me that asteroids were the cause of extinction. Today it’s us. Thanks to manmade climate change, 100 innocent species go extinct every day. Yet many continue to deny it. Refusing to take an honest look at the science, while to you skeptics please allow me to analogize it
Close your eyes and imagine that you’re on a plane with 100 pilots, 97 of them say we are headed for disaster if we do not change course and reroute, three of them saying, nah they’re all lying is a conspiracy. Don’t worry about it
Even if you believe those three pilots are correct, wouldn’t you take precaution anyway, just to hedge your bet? Well this is the same situation we face with climate change – 2000 scientists in 200 different countries have concluded the same thing that we’re on a crash course for devastation and if we do not pump the brakes Spaceship Earth won’t make it
The time is now, we cannot delay
If you were on the Titanic and you could see the iceberg in advance, wouldn’t you try to move the heck out the way?
It is too late to be pessimistic, it is time to innovate. It is time to stop fighting the old system and start creating a new system. While we support organizations and technologies that not only have sustainability but thrivability as the endeavor
We will get out of this mess like we’ve always gotten other things together. Togetherness is the solution we require and once we realize the power we have together for the second time mankind will have discovered fire and he will shine bright as a species and all of his brilliance finally arriving at an equilibrium