Final Fantasy VII: Script - Part 1 lyrics
by Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy 7 Disc 1 Part 1. Scenes:
Scene 1: Presentiment - AVALANCHE
Scene 2: Escape From Mako Reactor 7
Scene 3: Flower Girl - A Daring Leap
Scene 4: The Long Ride Home
Scene 5: The Reactor Tower
Scene 6: Welcome Home, Cloud! - A Childhood Promise
Scene 1
- Presentiment - AVALANCHE -
[Introduction FMV.]
The camera pans slowly across a starfield for
several seconds before we see a beautiful young woman looking directly at us. Green embers waft upwards around her face. The camera moves to show that the embers are generated by a Mako furnace in a dark alley as the woman stares into it. After a few moments, she turns and leaves the alley, a basket of flowers on one arm, and stops to stand at a street corner.
Our view of her is momentarily obstructed by a massive train as it speeds past through the town square. The camera swings outward through the dark, dingy square, under a stone arch, and then begins to swing upwards. The view moves higher and higher until the entire circular city of Midgar comes into view. The Final Fantasy VII logo appears for a few moments before the camera begins to swing back down, into a different part
of a city. A train is pulling into a station in another dark alley. Two
guards patrol the platform. Jessie flips spectacularly off the train. The guards attack the intruder only to be knocked out by her skillful hands and feet. Barret hops out of the train, turns, and motions for another to follow.)
"C'mon newcomer. Follow me."
(He runs upstairs. Cloud flips out of the train and follows
him. Two guards come down the stairs down to the train
platform, blocking his path.)
((Battle sequence with two guards))
(After the battle, Cloud runs up the stairs and meets the
group - Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge, opening the main gate
to a Mako reactor.)
"Wow! You used to be in SOLDIER all right! ...Not
everyday ya find one in a group like AVALANCHE."
"SOLDIER? Aren't they the enemy?"
"What's he doing with us in AVALANCHE?"
"Hold it, Jessie. He WAS in SOLDIER."
"He quit them and now is one of us."
"Didn't catch your name..."
((The PLAYER names Cloud) )
"Cloud, eh? I'm..."
"I don't care what your names are. Once this job's over... I'm
outta here."
((Barret comes running up from offscreen.))
"The hell you all doin'!? I thought I told you never to move in a
"Our target's the North Mako Reactor. We'll meet on the bridge
in front of it."
((The group heads through the gate. Barret stops and turns to face Cloud.))
"Ex-SOLDIER, huh? Don't trust ya!"
((The PLAYER names Barret))
"If you push the Directional button while pushing the [CANCEL]
button to run. (earlier marked X)"
((FMV sequence. The camera swings to show the Shinra headquarters towering above as Cloud following Barret through the gate. Cloud follows the others to the Reactor. Wedge stays on the bridge in front of the reactor as the others head inside.) )
"I'll secure the escape passage. Concentrate on the
mission, Cloud."
"Geez, we're really gonna blow this huge furnace
up? This'll be somethin' to see!"
(Cloud follows the others into the Reactor.)
"Yo! This your first time in a reactor?"
"No. After all, I did work for Shinra, y'know."
"The planet's full of Mako energy. People here use it
every day."
"It's the life blood of the planet. But Shinra keeps suckin' the
blood out with these machines."
"I'm not here for a lecture. Let's just hurry."
"That's it! You're comin' with me from now on."
((Barret joins Cloud. The group works through the locked doors deeper
inside the reactor.))
"Biggs and I got the code for this door."
"Code deciphered"
(They go through the door.)
"Think how many of our people risked their lives, just for this
"Code deciphered"
(They go through the door and work deeper into the reactor. Biggs stays at
the door. They enter an elevator)
"Push that button over there!"
((Cloud presses the button. The elevator starts moving.))
"Little by little the reactors'll drain out all the life. And
that'll be that."
"It's not my problem."
"The planet's dyin', Cloud!"
"The only thing I care about is finishin' this job before
security and the Roboguards come."
((Barret turns away, shaking with anger, then looks back over his shoulder
at Cloud and rejoins him. The elevator stops and
Jessie gets off. They continue into the reactor.))
"Push the [OK] button in front of a ladder to grab on to it.
After that, use the [Directional button] to move up and down."
((Jessie stays behind. Cloud continues to the reactor core.))
"When we blow this place, this ain't gonna be nothin' more
than a hunka junk."
"Cloud, you set the bomb."
"Shouldn't you do it?"
"Jus' do it! I gotta watch to make sure you don't pull nothin'."
"Fine, be my guest."
(As Cloud moves to set the bomb, the screen dims and something speaks into
his mind.)
Watch out!
This isn't just a reactor!!
((It stops abruptly.))
"...What's wrong?"
"What's wrong, Cloud? Hurry it up!"
"Yeah, sorry."
((Cloud sets the bomb. An alarm begins to sound and red lights
"Heads up, here they come!"
((Boss battle with Guard Scorpion))
"Come on, let's get outta here!"
Ten minutes to detonation!
((They rush back out through the reactor until they meet up with Jessie
where she had stayed behind. She has one leg caught in the grate she's
standing on.))
"You all right?"
"My leg got stuck."
((Cloud pulls her out.))
((They continue to hurry out of the reactor.))
"Let's go!"
"Code deciphered"
((They go through the door.))
"Alright, be careful."
"Code deciphered"
((They go through the door and exit the reactor. On the way out, Jessie
falls. Cloud helps her up and they sprint away. FMV sequence. The reactor
emits a ring of fire as it explodes spectacularly against the night sky.))
Scene 2
- Escape From Mako Reactor 7 -
((Cloud, Barret, Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie are in a dark tunnel littered
with debris and broken metal.))
"That should keep the planet going... at least a little longer."
((Jessie plants an explosive against the pile of debris blocking their exit.))
"OK! Now everyone get back."
((They stand back and a wall explodes, opening a way to a courtyard. Wedge's
butt seems to be on fire.))
"All right, now let's get out of here."
"Rendezvous at Sector 8 station! Split up and get on the train!"
((They all exit except Barret and Cloud.))
"H, hey!"
"If it's about your money save it 'til we're back at the hideout."
((Barret exits. Cloud goes after him into the streets of Midgar.))
Scene 3
- Flower Girl - A Daring Leap -
((A few people are running around a street corner, bumping into a woman
standing there, knocking her down. She stands up and calmly brushes herself
off. Cloud enters.))
[Flower girl]
"Excuse me."
"What happened?"
Nothing... hey, listen...
Don't see many flowers around here
Flower girl
"Oh, these? Do you like them? They're only a gil....?"
Buy one
Flower girl
"Oh, thank you!"
"Here you are!"
((She gives Cloud a flower and walks off. Cloud continues through the
streets of Midgar.))
[[[People on the street]]]
"Just what the hell's going on!?"
"Wonder what that is on the wall over there. Let's see..."
Don't be fooled by Shinra! Mako energy doesn't last forever! Mako
is the planet's lifesource! The end is in sight!
Protectors of the planet: AVALANCHE
((Cloud reaches a dark street. A soldier patrolling the area spots him.))
"Hey! You there!"
"Shinra soldiers..."
((Three battles with Shinra soldiers. After the third battle, Cloud is
"That's as far as you go."
"I don't have time to be messin' around with you guys."
"Enough babbling! Grab him!"
((The soldiers close in. Cloud backs away, but his path is blocked as he
reaches a railing. Below him are the train tracks. FMV sequence. Cloud
jumps off the balcony onto the train as it rushes by.))
Scene 4
- The Long Ride Home -
((Barret, Wedge, Biggs, and Jessie are riding in a train car littered with
crates and junk.))
"Cloud never came."
"Cloud... Wonder if he was killed?"
"No way!!"
((There is thumping on the roof of the car. Barret glances up.))
"Say, do you think Cloud's..."
"Going to fight to the end for AVALANCHE!?"
"The hell would I know? Do I look like a mind reader?"
((He hits a crate with his fist.))
"Hmph!! If y'all weren't such screw-ups..."
"Hey Barret! What about our money...?"
((Barret hits the crate again.))
"Uh, nothin'... sorry."
((The train door opens and Cloud flips into the car from above.))
"Looks like I'm a little late."
"You damn right, you're late!!"
"Come waltzin' in here makin' a big scene!"
"It's no big deal. Just what I always do."
"Havin' everyone worried like that you don't give a damn 'bout no
one but yourself!"
"Hmm..... You were worried about me!"
"I'm takin' it outta your money, hot stuff!"
((He walks to the center of the car.))
"Wake up!"
"We're movin' out! Follow me!"
((He exits the front of the car.))
"Hey, Cloud! You were great back there!"
((He exits.))
"Heh heh.... Cloud! We'll do even better next time."
((He exits.))
"Be careful, I'll shut this."
((She closes the train door.))
"Oh, Cloud! Your face is pitch-black....."
((She wipes his face.))
"There you go!"
"Say, thanks for helping me back there at the Reactor!"
((She exits. Cloud follows.))
((The train intercom comes on.))
Last train out of Sector 8 Station. Last stop is Sector 7, Train
Graveyard. Expected time of arrival is 12:23 AM, Midgar standard time...
((Barret and the others come into the next car and sit down. They disturb a
well-dressed, official looking man.))
"This is why I hate the last train. Hoo-boy..."
((He leaves.))
[[[People on the train]]]
"Huh? This is my house, so make yourselves at home."
"You see the headlines in the Shinra Times?"
"The terrorists that bombed the No. 1 Reactor are based somewhere
in the slums."
"...blowing up a Reactor... they sure put some thought into this
"They must have a real calculating leader. I wonder what they'll
do next?"
"Stop actin' like a damn kid. Si'down an' shu'up!"
"Someday AVALANCHE's gonna be famous ...and me, too!"
"It seems this train hasn't switched to security mode yet."
"I'm sure that will change by tomorrow."
"Hey, Cloud. You want to look at this with me?"
"It's a map of the Midgar Rail System. Let's look at it
together. I'll explain it to you."
"I like this kinda stuff. Bombs and monitors... you know,
flashy stuff."
((They look at the map.))
"Okay, it's about to start."
((A wireframe of Midgar is shown on the map.))
"This is a complete model of the city of Midgar."
"It's about a 1/10000 scale."
"The top plate is about 50 meters above ground."
"A main support structure holds the plate up in the center, and
there are other support structures built in each section..."
"psst... whisper... whisper... (The No. 1 Reactor we blew up was
in the northern section.)"
"Then there's No. 2, No. 3 all the way up to the No. 8 Reactor."
"The 8 Reactors provide Midgar with electricity."
"Each town used to have a name, but no one in Midgar remembers
"Instead of names, we refer to them by numbered sectors. That's
the kind of place this is."
"Phew..., this is next! Look."
((A dotted line appears on the Midgar wireframe.))
"This is the route the train is on."
"The route spirals around the main support structure."
"We should be coming around the center area, right now."
"At each checkpoint, an ID sensor device is set up."
"It can check the identities and background on each and every
passenger on the train by linking it up to the central databank at Shinra
"whisper... whisper... (Anyone could tell that we look
suspicious, so we're using fake ID's.)"
((A red light starts flashing.))
"Speak of the devil..."
"That light means we're in the ID Security Check area."
"whisper... whisper... (When the lights go off, you never know
what kind of creeps'll come out.)"
"...anyhow, we're almost back now. That's a relief."
"...snore.... heebeebeeheebee... snore... (Don't act so damn big,
Barret... snooze...)"
"Look... you can see the surface now. This city don't have no
day or night."
"If that plate weren't there... we could see the sky."
((Cloud looks out the window.))
"A floating city... Pretty unsettling scenery."
((Barret gets up.))
"Never expect to hear that outta someone like you."
" jes' full of surprises."
"The upper world... a city on a plate..."
"It's 'cuz of that &^#$# 'pizza', that people underneath are
"And the city below is full of polluted air."
"On topa that, the Reactor keeps drainin' up all the energy."
"Then why doesn't everyone move onto the plate?"
"Dunno. Probably 'cuz they ain't got no money. Or, maybe..."
"'Cuz they love their land, no matter how polluted it gets."
"I know... no one lives in the slums because they want to."
"It's like this train. It can't run anywhere except where its
rails take it."
((FMV sequence. The train circles the support structure on its way to
Sector 7. The train arrives at the station and everyone gets off))
"Yo!! Get over here, all' ya!!"
((Everyone gathers around Barret.))
"This mission was a success. But don't get lazy now."
"The hard part's still to come! Don't y'all be scared of that
"'Cause the next one's gonna be bigger than that!"
"Meet back at the hideout!! Move out!"
((All exit.))
Scene 5
- The Reactor Tower -
[[[People at the train station]]]
"I'm not letting you go tonight."
"Isn't there somewhere we could go to be alone?"
"There's only the train graveyard around here. And they say
there's ghosts around too!"
[[[Person near Reactor Tower]]]
"Hey now! ...Oops!"
"What on earth are you doing? Just butt out... geez!"
"Huh? You come to see it, too?"
"There was a bombing on top. If this pillar should come down,
everyone in the slums is dust..."
"Well, there's no point in worryin' about that."
"Hey! Look! It's huge, ain't it?"
((Cloud looks up at the massive steel tower.))
"Hey... This is a strange and wonderful place."
"This is my place, but you can come here when you want.
Bye, bro!"
((He leaves.))
"Yo. Cloud! Over here, now!"
Scene 6
-Welcome Home, Cloud! - A Childhood Promise -
((Barret runs into Tifa's bar, the Seventh Heaven, and chases all the
patrons out. Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie go inside.)
"Ok! Go on ahead."
((Cloud waits around outside))
"Yo! Cloud!! Get off your slow-movin' ass!"
((Cloud enters the Seventh Heaven.)
((Marlene jumps up.))
((She sees Cloud and hides in the corner. Tifa goes over to her))
"Marlene! Aren't you going to say anything to Cloud?"
((She walks over to Cloud.))
"Welcome home, Cloud. Looks like everything went well."
"Did you fight with Barret?"
"I should have known."
"He's always pushing people around, and you've always been in
fights ever since you were little."
"I was worried."
(The PLAYER names Tifa)
"Flowers? How nice..."
"You almost never see them here in the slums."
"A flower for me? Oh Cloud, you shouldn't have..."
"No big."
Give it to Tifa
"Thank you, Cloud. It smells wonderful."
"Maybe I should fill the store with flowers."
[[[People in the bar]]]
"Sorry, Cloud. Marlene seems a little shy."
"Oh. Cloud!"
"Tifa realls knows how to cook. Mmm, mmm......."
"Anyway, let me tell you somethin'."
About what?
"Tifa always lets me taste her cooking."
"And look at me now, I'm rolly-polly."
"Don't know whether I should be happy or sad. But it's the good
food and drinks that make this shop famous."
"Careless..... You're getting all excited."
"Wonder what for.....?"
"Aah!! Nothin' like that first drink after a job."
"Why don't you have one too?"
"What!? you tellin' me you're too good to drink with me?"
"Don't act big-headed jus' because you were in SOLDIER!"
(Cloud tries to exit, but Barret crashes into the bar.)
"Papa, welcome home!"
((Barret lifts her up on his shoulder.))
"Huh? Where'd you get that flower?"
"Cloud gave it to me."
"Did you thank him?"
"Thank you, Cloud."
"We'll take care of you."
"You all right, Barret?"
"Get in here, fools!! We're startin' the meetin'!!"
((He descends a hidden elevator in a pinball machine. Everyone follows but
Cloud and Tifa. Cloud walks to the bar.))
"Sit down."
((He sits.))
"How about..."
"...something to drink?"
Give me something hard
"Just a minute. I'll make one for you."
((She mixes Cloud a drink.))
"You know, I'm relieved you made it back safely."
"What's with you all of a sudden? That wasn't even a tough job."
"I guess not..."
"You were in SOLDIER."
((Cloud sets down his drink.))
"Make sure you get your pay from Barret."
"Don't worry. Once I get that money, I'm outta here."
I don't feel like it
"I can make a drink just as good as anyone else."
"Everyone says, my drinks taste the best!"
((Cloud gets up from the bar.))
"Cloud, are you feeling all right?"
"...yeah... Why?"
"No reason. You just look a little tired I guess."
"You'd better go down below."
((Cloud walks to the elevator in the pinball machine and goes down.
Everyone is busy downstairs. Barret is punching a bag.))
[[[People downstairs]]]
"You think I'm a little too uptight?"
"The next mission will be to blow up the Sector 5 Reactor."
"Cloud, you're great! Don't you ever get nervous?"
"Or are you like, impervious to feelings? Naw, that couldn't be
"Well, that's ok. Don't worry about me. I don't look like it,
but I'm a coward at heart."
((Jessie is working on the computer))
"Hey, look at the news... What a blast."
"Think it was all because of my bomb? But all I really did was
just make it like the computer told me."
"Oh no! I must've made a miscalculation somewhere."
"Yo. Cloud! There's somethin' I wanna ask ya."
"Was there anyone from SOLDIER fighting us today?"
"None. I'm positive."
"You sound pretty sure."
"If there was anyone from SOLDIER you wouldn't be standing here
"Don't go thinkin' you so bad jes cuz you was in SOLDIER."
"Yeah, you're strong."
"Probably all them guys in SOLDIER are."
"But don't forget your skinny ass's working for AVALANCHE now!"
"Don't get no ideas 'bout hangin' on to Shinra."
"Stayin' with Shinra?"
"You asked me a question and I answered it... that's all."
"I'm going upstairs. I want to talk about my money."
"Papa. you're so great!"
((Cloud moves to leave. Tifa runs in.))
"Wait, Cloud!"
"Tifa! Let him go!"
"Looks like he still misses the Shinra!"
"Shut up!"
"I don't care about either Shinra or SOLDIER!"
"But don't get me wrong!"
"I don't care about AVALANCHE or the Planet for that matter!"
"Straighten things up with everyone for me."
[[[Television]]] the No.1 Reactor was bombed. The terrorist group
AVALANCHE has claimed responsibility for the bombing.
It is expected that AVALANCHE will continue its reign of terror.
But citizens of Midgar.... there is no need to fear.
I have immediately mobilized SOLDIER to protect our citizenry
against this senseless violence. Thank you and good night.
"You say you don't care, but you came to talk to me."
"Cloud.... you just want friends."
"Isn't that right?"
Blow off
"Yeah, well. You look kind of lonely to me."
If you ever got anything you want to get off your chest, you can
always talk to me."
I really don't care
"You're terrible. Real cold blooded."
((Cloud goes back up the elevator and goes to leave. He is followed by Tifa.))
"Listen, Cloud. I'm asking you. Please join us."
"Sorry Tifa..."
"The Planet is dying. Slowly but surely it's dying."
"Someone has to do something."
"So let Barret and his buddies do something about it."
"It's got nothin' to do with me."
((He moves to leave))
"So! You're really leaving!?"
"You're just going to walk right out ignoring your childhood
How can you say that!
"You forgot the promise, too."
((Tifa looks down.))
"So you DID forget."
"Remember.... Cloud. It was seven years ago..."
((Cloud looks up. The scene fades to black. It fades in again; Cloud and
Tifa are standing by a well. The sky is full of stars.))
"Look, the well."
"Do you remember?"
((Cloud nods.))
"Yeah.... back then."
"I thought you would never come, and I was getting a little
((The scene changes. Cloud and Tifa, as children, appear. Cloud is
sitting swinging his legs on the well cover. Tifa enters from
"Sorry I'm late."
((She sits down.))
"You said you wanted to talk to me about something?"
"Come this spring.... I'm leaving this town for Midgar."
"........All boys are leaving our town."
"But I'm different from all of them. I'm not just going to find a
((He stands.))
"I want to join SOLDIER."
"I'm going to be the best there is, just like Sephiroth."
"Sephiroth.... The Great Sephiroth."
((Cloud climbs to the top of the well and looks at the stars.))
"Isn't it hard to join SOLDIER?"
"...I probably wont be able to come back to this town for a
((Tifa makes a motion.))
"Will you be in the newspapers if you do well?"
"I'll try."
"Hey, why don't we make a promise?"
"Umm, if you get really famous and I'm ever in a bind....."
"You come save me, all right?"
"Whenever I"m in trouble, my hero will come and rescue me."
"I want to at least experience that once."
"Come on--! Promise me----!"
"All right.... I promise."
((The camera pans up to show the starry night sky. A falling star streaks
its white trail across the dark blue.))
((Back at the Seventh Heaven.))
"You remember now? ...Our promise?"
"I'm not a hero and I'm not famous. I can't keep.... the promise."
"But you got your childhood dream, didn't you? You joined SOLDIER."
((Cloud looks down.))
"So come on! You've got to keep your promise......"
((Barret climbs up the elevator.))
"Wait a sec big-time SOLDIER!"
"A promise is a promise! Here!!"
((He tosses Cloud 1500 Gil.))
"This is my pay? Don't make me laugh."
"What? Then you'll...!!"
"You got the next mission lined up? I'll do it for 3000."
((Tifa whispers to him.))
"It's ok, it's ok."
"psst, psst..... (We're really hurting for help, right?)"
"Uh..... ugh..... (That money's for Marlene's schoolin'......)"
((Barret turns.))
((Tifa walks to Cloud.))
"Thanks, Cloud."