Sintro lyrics
by Canibus
The Book of Revelation tells us that as Christ opens the first four seals on the Scroll of God, he will set loose on the World the infamous Riders of Doom, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Each will ride a horse of different color. Each will deliver a series of tribulations and punishments on the unrepentable
Although there has historically been disagreement about the exact meaning of each of The Four Horsemen. Thе first is generally regardеd as The Antichrist. Astride a white horse, this rider's goal is Conquest. His apocalyptic mission…
(Ras Kass)
Impossible, Pestilence
Arrest the President
Behead Bill and Ted
My invention's excellent
Ride on n*gga
…But the horrors of the White Horseman are only the beginning. Three more riders will gallop from the pages of Revelation to punish the World. Then another horse came out, a fiery, red one. Some believe the rider of the Red Horse will be sent to bring War
An irreversible plague
The scourge of a soon coming age
You are wise not to number your days
The irreversible plague, you know my name (War!)
A HRSMN on top of the game
The Book of Revelation tells us that Jesus will open the third seal in God's plan to reveal the third Horsemen of the Apocalypse. I looked and there before me was a black horse, it's rider was wearing a pair of scales on it's head, for the Black Horsemen will ride to sow the awful seeds of Famine
Rain, drain lifeless bodies with pain
Illuminati entirely came through to acid rain of men
Emptied out, no organs felt
Liquid acidic melt your skin
Disease in the wind, plague
You're never gonna feed again
There was about three Horsemen of the Apocalypse, but there is little doubt about the purpose of the fourth. When I heard the voice of the fourth of the creatures say "Come!", I looked, and there before me was a pale horse and it's rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him, Revelation 6:7. The rider on the pale horse is meant to bring death to the World
(Killah Priest)
I start counting backwards from infinity
To the B.C., to the first century, to A.D
'Til I get to the end of eternity
Then start counting backwards from that
These time tables I learned from a dying angel
Recent disasters and the threat of even worse to come are proof that prophecies from the Book of Revelation are at last coming true. God will soon eliminate all that is wicked by destroying this world. Could it be that Revelation's Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have at last begun their fearful ride?