Canibus To J. Cole, “I’m SORRY!” For Diss Record lyrics
by Canibus
So yo I've seen thousands and thousands
Of comments about this j.cole track and
All the negativity is stirring up and
After 48 hours of it i feel confident
Enough to say to this unanimous hip-hop
Is spoken up loud and clear it's a cold
World right now
And you're a reigning champ Jay I take
Full responsibility for my actions
And I apologize for stepping over the
Line it comes off as tacky and
Unsophisticated and this is not G I love
Hip-hop two months to further justify my
Selfish behavior I made this video in an
Effort to turn it around and man up for
My mistake you said you were a fan of
Mize at one time you big me up on many
Occasions you don't owe me nothing cold
I was out of line for what I did I'm
Sorry for creating a fiasco at a time
When if I really need somebody like you
To look up to I keep tеlling that line
Spitting the middle rhymеs
You got my support some people I've seen
Thousands and thousands of comments
About this J Cole track and all the
Negativity that's stirring up and
The last 48 hours of it I feel confident
Enough to say hip-hop is spoken up loud
And clear an animus it's a cold world
Right now you know waiting changjae I
Take full responsibility for the track
And I apologize with stepping over the
Line it comes off as tacky and
Unsophisticated and it's just not jeans
And all the negativity is stirring up
And after less than 48 hours of it
I feel confident enough to say that it's
A cold war right now you know reigning
Champion I take full responsibility for
The track
I apologize for stepping over the line
It comes off as tacky and
Unsophisticated and it's just not cheap
I love hip-hop too much to further
Justify my selfish behavior I made this
Video in an attempt to turn it around
And man up for my mistake you said you
Were a fan of mines at one time you big
Me up on many occasions you know only
Nothing J I was out of line for what I
Did I'm sorry for creating this fiasco
At a time when hip-hop is really in need
Somebody like you who the people look up
To keep touring that line and spitting
Them ill rhymes you got my support I
Just hope the hip-hop community could
Get past this quickly and go back to
What satisfies them and makes them happy
Not a hater I just went too far and I
Hope that Papa forgive me for my
Foolishness I'm gonna go sit my whole
Ass down somewhere now happy holidays
It's a cold world kid