The Soul Controller Mixshow lyrics



Guess guess the calm like them okay well
My name is Jason my Elias is DJ shortcut
And basically my main duty is just you
Know mixing it is questioning yeah
That's real is enough of a key part day
Ok all right ok actually by my name
Cheese no that's a before I'm going to
Tjs shortcut and basically my main duty
Is just to you know mix it up and you
Know I'm the Mixmaster I'm gonna need
Spoons for a couple hours of the show
And I that's right there that's my main
Responsibility then as far as you know
Working and getting artists here I went
So much call booking but i'd say more
Just you know like arranging you know
Stuff to happen a lot of times you know
It's whoever gets in touch with us so
Across from the company you know gets in
Touch with me then I say be here this
You know that whatеver so um it's not so
Much that any one of us has a particular
Responsibility as far as it comеs to
Artists relations you know we all just
You know try to do whatever we can do to
Make the show better and never you know
Gets in touch with us we take it from
There so my crew with a yeah actually
I'm also free is this about it might
Sound kind of a little egotistical but
That's really not you know what we you
Know intended to be basically that is
All four of us to do the show if you
Have a certain dedication and
Understanding the hip-hop that we feel
Is a little greater and more in depth
Than what a verge listen to hip-hop is
So in a sense you know we we feel we
Know more about hip-hop cos and went
Down with it for extremely long time you
Know and beaver DJ so we're always up on
The music for the average listeners so
What we always have tried to do is play
With really we like what we think is you
Know the strongest hip hop out there at
The time and if that's you know the
Stuff that's going to be the underground
Except you're not going to hear on the
Major stations and then so be it but
That doesn't mean that we're not playing
What other people are playing also
Because you know if you take a group
Like Cypress Hill you know there are
Some stuff that you know it's
Underground that you notice for above
Ground cuz I'm you're amazing but you
Know we're not going to not play just
Because of that so we just try to get
You know a lot of the flavors that are
Out right now if you can want to hear
When they get a lot more album cuts
Because those don't get a lot of the
Exposure Lucas mercy single cuts and
Then we try to get a lot of older stuff
The stuff that maybe that overlooked or
You haven't heard in a while or
Something we think is done and the start
Of the most of stuff now now so
Sometimes you might listen to us and you
Might hear more stop the new stuff
That's cuz we think that our stuff is
Better there right now you're here now
But that's not always the case semester
I got a little bit more in the DJ aspect
Of it and that guests over the summer I
Got more into public relations and I
Designed the flyer that you might have
Seen around I uh got a friend of mine
Who's in a rafidi crew vlw is named step
One I got him to design the flyer up and
We you know mass-produced it got it up
Around campus and around record stores
In the Lee of the DC metro area so I
Guess I handled more like that that kind
Of aspect of the show business and I got
It over the summer and then now during
This semester we're trying a new format
And I guess I'm more like once again
More like a pack up on air personality
To the J while DJ Dominator indeed a
Short convo hey let go equal man i'm
With damn it on the unit j*rk yeah you
Take more days more dominant on the mic
So you got break that shyness man we're
Working on it anyway so shortcut in
Dominator handle more the mixing now so
I guess that's basically my evolution in
Controller mixshow as it goes I didn't
Do that and I started DJing a little bit
You know a couple years ago and I got up
On campus the one thing I wanted to do
Is I wanted to get hooked up in the
College radio and so I found out when
The show was and I came up here a couple
Hours before the show and just chill
With them I started hanging out with
Them every week and it basically just
Grew from that I contact a lot of record
Companies and outside people you know
Just working on a little thing with the
Source to do some giveaways on the show
Giving away subscriptions to the
Magazine I'm also working on getting a
Little little shot of us in the rap
Sheet so I'm prepared a little letter
And I'm gonna send them the tape one of
The shows after talking to Brian Sampson
Yesterday he was aiming to send our tape
To all the record companies some
Thinking about you know it's get you
Know best update together and you know
There's number I got it all any other
Hip-hop shows around here this is the
Baddest know there's a lot of difference
Is one thing is it's more underground
And I think it reflects more of what
Hip-hop is really about so how do we do
That we just how do we do that the
Thundergirls caught like a cliche yeah I
Know it is but it's it's just I think it
Just reflects what real hip-hop you know
When it started it wasn't about you know
Commercialism there was you know it's
About rocking the party you know and and
Who has the best skills you know on the
Mic or you know production-wise and we
Don't really worry a lot about the
Politics of the music of the industry
Like some of the other you know mix
Shows in the area and other advantages
We do it live you know one hundred
Percent law which is also more like
Exactly sponte it's like an
Improvisational aspect of hip-hop you
Know which is you know that's what
Hip-hop is about off the top of the dome
You know right up you know give me the
Mic you know throw on the record you
Know let me just get into it you know
And that's something that we have over
Every show in this area you know every
Show who got there was to do the rap
Music now is finding out what's going on
You know rumors in the hip-hop you know
What's up with snoop or you know a slick
Work out of jail you know people people
Like that you know
You know it's it's interesting cuz you
Know you just get to find out more about
The artists plus we give away more music
Than cat milk yeah yeah yeahs view point
1 episode back or make replies mix show
In the world kids right about to do it
Have you here with our original flavor
Yo its digital fellas just put one
Double UMUC plasmic so in the web we're
Chillin here with hard to my arm is too
Long service to the Dominator 270 and
That's a little bit with us in it
J to the ROC and house a bad my job on
The show is you know program host DJ a
Little bit of everything don't know how
Sweet you know that we've been on the
Show for about 22 years in a couple
Weeks now and I BB in a fool hot juicy I
Think college it was important music in
General as far as hip-hop goes I think
College radio is probably the best
Outlet for underground stuff in well
Because at college radio stations for
The most part DJ's are in control of
What they do you know on the creative
Control is left in the hands of the DJ
So I you don't have any of the politics
That you run into with a lot of
Commercial stations about you know this
Record you know going to appeal to
Enough people and they don't worry about
That kind of thing so you let you get a
Lot of the real stuff coming through on
College radio home you know and a lot of
The kids right now that are in college
Our kids that grew up with hip-hop you
Know and you know they're a little older
And they knew what it was back when it
First started and what its roots are so
I think you got got a lot of good people
In college radio right now doing things
You know what separates our show from
The rest I just think we got real
Dedicated hip-hop fans I think
Shows through and our program and then
Just the show in general we do a live
Every week you know we bring the 12
Putters in here so it's very spontaneous
You know we just we get sit on it back
[ __ ] and sit on the tracking necessary
Muster Busta Busta moving brothers in
The dust packed him off the endless
Upper room behalf of the boss home
Straight from them why is your show more
Important to them than saying something
You were here on a commercial radio
Station as far as what you play because
We play what commercial is don't play
Over a special right in this area of
Maryland there are only about three
Solid underground hip-hop shows in this
Area and there are many more commercial
Stations so it's our job to really pump
Up the new groups underground groups to
Get to their play because even though
The commercial stations might get to wax
And I'm gonna play the second version
Are you just said the single from them
Is something working on
Oh no ma reduce ourselves to let alone
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
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