Freedom lyrics
by Emma Hunton & Krystina Alabado
Let's go
The highway's calling
The sun is shining
Let's get in the car and just remember...
Let's go
[KELLY, spoken]
Kelly drove onâ
all of our road trips
She believedâ
in listening to the highway
You start driving
And keep driving
There's noâstoppingâ'tillâKelly says you'veâarrived
[KELLY, spoken]
You're not doingâit right
[SAM, spoken]
Doing what?
[KELLY, spoken]
You're not in it
[SAM, spoken]
What are you talking about?
[KELLY, spoken]
You're not in the moment, Sam. Talk about what it felt like
[SAM, spoken]
What did it feel like?
You remember
Feeling the wind blowing your hair...
You're not even trying
[SAM, spoken]
I am
[KELLY, spoken]
Try harder
Picking a road and going anywhere
Remember the biker bar?
[SAM, spoken]
Oh, God!
We're headed South...
And the biker!
Or maybe West
We don't know much
We're making up the rest
Tear up the atlas
Don't read the road signs
Driving for the sake of driving anywhere
That's freedom
[KELLY, spoken]
What bug do you have up your ass?
[SAM, spoken]
I don't have a bug up my ass!
[KELLY, spoken]
Samantha Brown, do you see that fork up ahead?
[SAM, spoken]
[KELLY, spoken]
Well, one way leads to our school and the other leads somewhere else. Which way do you wanna turn, left or right?
[SAM, spoken]
I don't know. You never take the same route twice, I have no idea where we are
[KELLY, spoken]
Who cares? If you don't choose, we're gonna hit that house! Left or right?
[SAM, spoken]
Hold on, let me pull up a map
[KELLY, spoken]
No, maps are for brain-deads, left or right?!
[SAM, spoken]
Aah, left!
[KELLY, spoken]
Very slow, Brown
[SAM, spoken]
So where are we going?
I have no idea
Counting the miles as we go past
The tank is full, the sun is high
Knowing that every mile could be our last
Just watching the day go by
We won't look back
We never will
We've come too far
We'll drive 'till we hit Nashville
[KELLY, spoken]
Okay, where do you wanna go now?
[SAM, spoken]
Make a right!
[KELLY, spoken]
No... in life, Sam. Think big. What do you want?
[SAM, spoken]
Uh... I don't know, I wanna get my license?
[KELLY, spoken]
[SAM, spoken]
I want the deafening sound of driving fast with the windows down
[KELLY, spoken]
[SAM, spoken]
I want to break rules and do something unexpected!
[KELLY, spoken]
Good! I want Arby's
[SAM, spoken]
I wanna reach the horizon of impossibility
[KELLY, spoken]
I wanna go skinny dipping in the ocean
I wanna drive forever!
And I'm almost starting to feel it
How a day gives way to something deeper
The cheap rest-stop
The town bypassed (Freedom)
The last-minute 'get in the car and let's go' (Go)
Let's go! Let's go!
Pick a road, pick a highway
Any road is going my way
Let's go
Live it up with no complicated philosophies
No college, no career
No kids, no fancy house, no
Let's go!
Any road but the road we're on!
No college, no career
No screaming kids, no mortgage
Driving anywhere
Just driving straight into the dawn
That's freedom
There's something buried within here
A lesson to keep
The impulse
The life force
The diving in deep
I feel it, the chaos I usually flee
If I hold on right
Here could I learn to just... be
Don't talk about it. Live it. Don't feel the loss of it, feel it
Kelly driving, me riding shotgun
Windows open so loud I can't hear...
Just a couple girls out on the highway
Trees blurring into nothing and I am nothing and she is nothing
With no roadmap
And no curfew
Just two girls with nowhere we have to be
Now she's laughing
And I start laughing (Freedom)
It's so real and so like a memory (Freedom)
And the sun is so bright that I'm squinting
And it feels like I've found
Driving fast, the radio blaring
Windows open, singing like we're rock stars
Oh yeah
Yeah (x6)