Professional Dreamers lyrics
by Looptroop Rockers
Living the dream
Living the dream, don't wanna wake up
[Verse 1: Promoe]
I never dreamed about getting paid
I dreamed that the people never forget the name (Looptroop)
I dreamed about getting fame
The hiphop way I read ‘Getting Up’
And it modeled my work ethics
I got up every morning starting putting words together
Words from my dreams about living in a better world together
Sounds like work forever
But that's cool, my work is a dream
And my work is to dream so you can call me a dreamer
Call me dream weaver, naive, believer
I'm still an achiever - professional dreamer
Living the dream, don't wanna wake up, cause we're
Living the dream, don't wanna wake up, living
[Verse 2: Supreme]
I got memories for sale autobiography
Everything that's real now started as somebody's dream
A vision of the future, notes on a wrinkled piece of paper
Like my feet getting too big for these shoes, see you later
And regardless if I win or loose I gave it a shot
In one way I won anyway whether you like it or not
And the story's not over my daughter need me to stay
Like child I make the rest up along the way
To all beautiful losers have faith and pride
Don't let nobody kill that creative drive
And to my friends I love you til' next time you see me
Keep conquering the world. - Word to Douglas: keep dreaming