Put Down Yr Cigarette Rag lyrics
by Allen Ginsberg
Don't smoke don't smoke don't smoke don't smoke
It's a nine billion dollar capitalist communist joke
Don't smoke don't smoke don't smoke don't smoke don't smoke
Smoking makes you cough
You can't sing straight
You gargle on saliva
And vomit on your plate
Don't smoke don't smoke don't smoke don't smoke
Don't smoke smoke smoke smoke
You smoke in bed
You smoke on the hill
Smoke till your dead
You smoke in Hell
Don't smoke don't smoke in living Hell dope dope
Don't smoke don't smoke don't smoke
You suck your fag
You suck your butt
You choke and gag
Teeth full of crud
Smoke smoke smoke smoke don't don't don't
Don't don't dope dope dope don't smoke don't dope
Pay your two bucks
For a deathly pack
Trust your bad luck
And smoke in the sack
Don't smoke don't smoke nicotine nicotine no
No don't smoke the official dope smoke dope dope
Four billion dollars in green
Is what Madison Avenue gets
To advertise nicotine
And hook you radical brats
Don't smoke don't smoke don't smoke
Nope nope dope dope hoax hoax hoax hoax
Dopey dope dopey dope dope dope dope dope
Black magic pushes dope
Sexy chicks in cars
America loses hope
And smokes and drinks in bars
Don't smoke don't smoke don't smoke
Don't smoke don't don't don't don't
Choke choke choke choke cough cough
Cough cough choke choke
Choke choke dope dope
Communism's flopped
Let's help the soviet millions
Sell 'em our coffin nails
And make a couple billions
Big bucks big bucks bucks bucks
Bucks bucks smoke smoke smoke smoke
Smoke bucks smoke bucks dope bucks big
Dope bucks dig big dope bucks big dope
Bucks don't smoke big dope bucks
Dig big pig dope bucks
Nine billion bucks a year
A southern industry
Buys Senator Jesse Fear who pushes tobacco subsidy
In the Senate Foreign Relations committee
Dope smokes dope smokes don't smoke don't smoke
Cloak cloak cloak room cloak and dagger
Smoke room cloak room dope cloak
Cloak room dope cloak room dope don't smoke
Nine billion bucks for dope
Approved by Time & Life
America loses hope
The president smokes tobacco votes
Don't smoke don't smoke don't smoke don't smoke
Don't smoke nope nope nope nope
20 thousand die of coke
Illegal speed each year
400 thousand cigarette deaths
That's the drug to fear
Don't smoke don't smoke don't smoke
Get hooked on cigarettes
Go fight the war on drugs
Smoke any other weed
Get bust by government thugs
Don't smoke don't smoke the official dope
If you will get in bed
And give your girlfriend head
Then you won't want a fag
Nor evermore a drag
Don't smoke don't smoke don't smoke hope hope hope hope
Oh please don't smoke don't smoke
Oh please oh please oh please
I'm calling on my knees
Twenty-four hours in bed
And give your boyfriend head
Put something in your mouth
Like skin not cigarette filth
Suck tit suck tit suck c*ck suck c*ck
Suck clit suck prick suck it
But don't smoke nicotine don't smoke
Don't smoke nicotine nicotine it's
Too obscene don't smoke don't smoke
Nicotine suck c*ck suck prick suck tit
Suck clit suck it but don't smoke sh*t nope
Nope nope nope dope dope dope dope
The official dope don't smoke
Make believe you're sick
Stay in bed and lick
Your cigarette habit greed
One day's all you need
Indeed indeed indeed indeed smoke weed
Smoke weed put something green
In between but don't smoke smoke don't smoke
Hope hope hope hope nicotine don't
Smoke the official dope
Dope dope dope dope don't smoke