by Allen Ginsberg
Wow f*ck mane I didn't really understand ... that's why I should have ... I gotta tell you this lil story, that-
Actually crazy ... that probably I should have told you before saying I'm good
Because actually I didn't understand - I thought "CYPHER" I went on google translator and I found uh ....
Uh like secrecy, secret stuff ... And so I was still in a shock AGAIN for Reject, because what I should have told you is that like last day, like two days ago, Reject came to me after I published the song by me and Kief on our Youtube - that now I put up again because I thought "Why secrеcy? Why Alien is talking about we have to stay sеcret This is crazy like Reject They are all crazy" So I said "No no I'm good I'm good I quit ..."
And actually there is a reason why I reacted, and told you "I'm good" - because actually, I was telling you, Reject called me ... Yung Reject that now is called like NC the rapper, than he changed name again, he changed again ... He changed because he understood that he was doing something bad with me so I think he got scared. Because he replied to my story. Because I was sharing "Ow go everybody to check the ... I just uploaded on Desert Of The Sixxx' soundcloud" - I don't know if you folllowed that story maybe not - but I was sharing on youtube... youtube, sorry, not soundcloud - "And I uploaded my song with Kief on uh Desert of the sixxx' uh, youtube so, let's everybody go check that one" - on my stories, instagram stories
Then Reject the day after like replied to my story like on dm in the direct messages and he told me "Ow that's w..."
Uh so-, uh sorry I hope uh stop m- tell me if you don't understand my uhm my accent I will try to speak uh slower. Because when you just ... I understood ... when I just uh I understood - because when I understood that you were uh rational like uh everybody and that you were saying rational stuff and that you were not like Reject, I said "Oh thank God" and so I got excited, that's why I am in a rush telling you what happened to me. Because what happened was really crazy. So I was telling you. I try to slow down a bit. But you stop me if you ... if you cannot understand my accent of course. Reject told me "Fire! That's fire! Your new s-"
"Song on Desert Of The Sixxx' youtube with Lil Kief! That's so fire
Your new song with Lil Kief on the Desert Of The Sixxx' youtube is so fire, uh ... Let's work together!" he wrote me on dm
And since he already had approached me again after the attempted suicide he already wrote me again and he had told me "Oh thank you bro I was really in a bad mood but now I'm healing I'm really healed I'm so better thank you very much" - I replied to him - after the chaos we created with The Fallen Goth he told me this and I told him like uh quickly like "Ok, I'm happy" and "I'm good" that's it. But then you know after one year I saw from time to time you know he kept on sending me you know updates like on dms uh about his new ventures his new enterprises his new gangs and everything and s-
And so I
Uh I just wanted to stop to tell you that I wanted to send you these voice messages. Because I'm not sure if actually you can listen to them without your phone. But maybe yes. Through the laptop, I'm not sure, but anyways I finish my story on voice messages. So since Reject kinda I saw that he was kinda healing even if I never replied to his last updates but when he wrote me "It's fire! Your song with Lil Kief is real fire let's work together!" I said "Let's do that" because I thought ok maybe he's healed now and I thought that maybe he was curious about the stuff I was doing again with you
With you ... with the Desert Of The Sixxx because I kinda shared it on my instagram so I thought maybe uh he was curious because he read that we were re-starting the record label for DOTS Desert Of The Sixxx because I kind of shared it on my instagram and uh he said "Let's work together" and I said "Alright" we had this phone call and it turned into a dissing. Against me. So. He was completely ... I mean ... He was doing drugs since uh during the phonecall so probably he went crazy but it really shocked me so I said you know "f*ck Reject" I quittd the conversation real quick after I understood that it was a diss. I mean it started like something real lovely, but then it was just to, you know, to ... I understood that he was being lovely only to keep me listening ... And ... To keep me listening to his you know dissing uh you know
Meaning he at the beginning he said "Let's do ... I want to do an EP! Me and You! Uh five songs!" and "It will be a hit! It will be number one in the charts! And in five songs one song I want to ask Lil Kief a featuring!" he told me and "Let's try let's try let's do some freestyle right now" during the phonecall with the cam and everything and I said ok fine so he started doing freestyle and it turned immediatly into a dissing against me. Like saying I think that (laughing) he de-cyphered I think that he read the sh*t that I did on our last video the thing I did with you for Desert Of The Sixxx the old video for Mask On I think that he really took it literally, because I did put inside the video, but I alw-
I mean you know me and I always put in my songs and in my videos little deatils from the pop culture that it can be you know whatever you know conspiracy theories uh illuminati 2Pac killuminati all this stupid sci-fi stuff you know so I always put in the videos details from whatever you know and who cares, they can be uh even for the twin towers you know who f*cking cares it can even be real it can be even real that it was just a conspiracy but who cares you know for me for the music it's just pop culture you know nowdays it's just you know science fiction conspiracy is just you know pop art to me you know? So I inserted the little thing about the the secret societies that invaded America in 1965 AND HE MADE ME A f*ckING DISSING ABOUT THAT sh*t I mean he started to say "Yeah me and Maria are the best ones ... BUT THEN MARIA SUCKS MY di*k
HE SUCKS MY di*k YEAH f*ck HIM YEAH BECAUSE HE WANTS TO SPEAK ABOUT THE SECRET SOCIETY SO f*ck MARIA HE SUCKS MY di*k RIGHT NOW! SUCK MY di*k RIGHT NOW!" he did like this in front of me during freestyle so I said okay. Because at the beginning I was excited I said "Wow you are real good" because he was really friendly like Yeah me and Maria are the best of the world" then it turned during freestyle it turned into a dissing, against me and I just you know when I realized what was happening I said "Ok mane. I hope that you are recording this sh*t because I want to listen to it real better" and I just, I mean I just closed the phone call real quick and uh he kept on dissing me the day after he sent me some stupid video inside the shower and I said ok, he's just I mean he's a failure what kind of people is this? So I thought he's just you know, he's totally he's completely crazy I mean it's a ... how would you call him?
Yeah and so uh he's completely a psychopath man and so uh ... I was in a shock and ... uh, who f*cking cares
And what, what did I want to tell you? Ah yeah because it happened many times already you know?
Not many times but some times. So
Mmmh, like he's taking too seriously the sh*t ... uh some sh*t I do, first of all one day I think I will make some post on instagram some story about it. First of all ...
First of all we didn't even, because we're getting ... it's like as if him or even in another couple of uh of situations it happened the same thing, he said as ... as if he was a victim. Like as if me using this sci-fi references or pop culture references to Killuminati and other stuff, he's like "Woah!" as if he's a victim like "This is too violent!" - about like (the) NAZI secret society (reference), in Reject's case like "Wooow (to say) this is really violent!" and even other people in another couple of places when they complained it was always like as if it was like a terrorist thing to use this kind of pop references or-
Or references to 2pac uh that for instance I don't even - I think, I don't even like 2pac because I think he was just a violent, too violent and really uh how you say? Uh he was an homophobe, I don't really like the guy, I mean and f*ck 2pac and I just use his stuff
Like I use even some stuff from Mussolini
Or Bob Marley
I mean he's just pop culture you know I don't really give a sh*t BUT if they have if these people if Reject but even another couple of people they complain to me saying that saying KILLUMINATI is a terrorist phrase and they are like "Aaaagghhh!" as if they are a victim - and I say but victim ... ? And I want to tell them you know in some story on instagram but Victim for what? And "Terror" for what?? First of all we didn't even know that this sh*t was real, you know? It's just
It's just ...
Me and you and the people in the world you know the other the people in America and the people of the other continents didn't even know that this sh*t was was real SO why these artists like Reject but even other ones are complaining if I use the word "Killuminati" this is as if as if they are something real
We didn't even know that this sh*t was real for real
You know yeah there are websites, like conspiracy websites around but it's just you know conspiracy websites, there are conspiracy websites uh about UFOS but it doesn't mean that UFOS are real I mean
So, first thing
Second thing, shouldn't it uh shouldn't it be you know some secret? If it was real I mean why are they coming out to me complaining about me publicly like ...
So, third thing
That's why I think that Reject is just a delusional, or a psychopath because uh I don't think that it is really rational what he says and the way he complains but even these other uh a couple of artists same thing I think that they are just delusionals because it's really psychopathic to come saying that "Killuminati" the word killuminati or saying that like uh sci-fi stories of a nazi secret society invading America in 1965 is something terrorist, it's not terrorist at all. Because actually claiming that the "illuminati" idea is a real thing is a terrorism. Because so that's what I want to say to these people. But I mean, like, saying or implying that when we vote for Obama or when we vote for Bush we are voting for someone that is .... that goes you know in secret meetings with Kanye or Marylin Manson or Bin Ladeen and that our vote is totally nullified: THAT is terrorism. You know? Implying that this sh*t is real is terrorism. So it's even less terrorism to ...
You know, implying that this stuff, that the illuminati stuff, is real, is terrorism - because it's scary to say to people that you know that there is that there are secret meetings that are not recorded and societies created to find jobs and make money that are not legally registered even and especially when they are used by the wealthiest people, because something is freemasonry or freemasons because the freemasons are completely legal because they have to record and pay taxes or how you say register their names to the at the government they are registered and ... while these conspiracy theories about the illuminati they are just theories, like the UFOs, because if they were true of course they were completely criminal - they are not legal - it's not legal in America nor in Europeto have secret meetings that are not registered in the government youn know? You have to be able to give the lists of the secret .... of the components of your brotherhood to the *"government" in order to be legal, that's what freemasons do, that's what our countries do you know so implying when Reject complains or other artists complain in public saying that my sh*t is "a terrorism", I say first of all they are, this people thesee kids these artists are psychopats, because ... you know it's impossible. I cannot even believe it when hear this kind of complains it's ... I say they are totally delusional you know. Cause you know first of all implying that this sh*t that the illluminati conspiracy theories are real is stupid. Or, if they are real, they are criminal. it is a crime to do this sh*t. And it is scary to imply in front of of the people with your voice, with you microphones, when you have especially when you have a lot of thousand of listeners it's really bad, that's terrorism to say to the people that you could be at dinner with Kanye and the Pope and Bin Laden because it's terrorism because the people thinks that theeen their votes are for nothing and this is this scares people so
It's perfectly normal
If I'm a kill this f*cking terror
You know?
I'ma kill this f*cking terror
You know? When I put a KILL on it
You know?
That's not terrorism
That's killing a fear
You know?
First of all
(that's killing a fear first of all)
So if all this sh*t was real like and it was not pop culture or scifi it is f*cking criminal so what are they talking about? It's not terrorism if it was all real it is not really terrorist to saya killuminati word or to say "nazi secret society", it's perfectly normal and perfectly how you say, legal, you know, because you kill a terrorism, cause that's terrorist to imply that this sh*t is real so what are what are they even talking about you know? It's just you know some f*cking clowny sh*t, and it's just jokers they are just clowns because you cannot imply this sh*t is real and think that we and I and the world take you seriously you know? And when they complain as if they are ... as if they are victims ... but "victim" for what you know?
So I just wanted to tell you this be careful of this kind of people like Reject because they are they are it's just you know psychopatic and who f*cking cares, man
Well I hope you're fine and that you will have the chance to get the phone and to listen to my messages peace and love bro
He actually made me regret having saved him because I f*cking saved that dude! The ... f*ckin Lil Reject ... I saved that guy! I mean I could have just said you know "who cares" adn avoiding to make Alter calling his sister and the cops and everything waking him up and he would have died on his f*cking bed. So I saved him. And he came to me dissing me on the f*cking dms man this sh*t is totally delusional this kid was delusional this people is delusional I cannot even believe it you know? Whatever
Much love from Rome to you
This new generation, phosphorescent
Is making me like nothing else made me before little baby
This new continent I'm traversing
My feet walking
One and one by one
Meter by meter I'ma make it all happen homies
I can promise you that homies
Because I feel like doing it and I will do that bros
Yeah and I think you're f*cking crazy
At not having done that already in your past babies
You f*cked up your streets your cities stupid homies hoes
I don't like your system and I don like your VIPs
I think their sick in the mind they should be killed
One and one by one on a hifi homies so be it
Ready for the return of the new generation
The beat generation that you thought was dead
Like a zombie I think we're coming back
One and one by one
Little Jack I can see you getting birth-another-day
Little Michael I am waiting for you come back home babe
Little Lawrence I think I'm f*cking forgetting Thee
As if I was a ninety-nine years old man
Yes I'm a old man inside babies yeah
But even on the outside I mean what the f*ck
Thirty-seven years old is really a lot
Into this f*cking lifetime that I’ve got
I think I might use in it until the last drop
Because I think that this world is worth a saving
And I think that you're just a bunch of stupid babies
Because you f*cked up with my planet
You stupid homies I think I might kill you on your hi-fi stupid hoes
I don't like you
Final warning from the beat generation returned, mane
Revelations like in the bible mane
Your John