When all the animals lie down lyrics
by Charles Bukowski
When All The Animals Lie Down
Got it right, Gus?
Gus had this rag around his head and was digging at the dirt.
He'd been digging 15 minutes.
“I'm getting it”, said Gus.
We were sitting on the side of a hill watching the 5:30 PM traffic on the Pasadena freeway.
Gus was trying to get those round spots in the ground for hip and shoulder.
“What do you guys do when it rains?” I asked.
“Well, we've got a sheet or two of plywood in the brush”, said Larry, “either that or we go to the mission.”
Gus tried the holes. They were all right. Then he came over and sat with us.
We watched the cars on the freeway. They barely moved.
“I'm sure sorry for those bast*rds”, said Gus.
All around us was grass and trees and brush. A white cat ran by. We sat there smoking our rolled cigarettes. By the time those bast*rds got home we'd be asleep.