Jesus Loving American Guy (Limp Wrist) lyrics
by Paisley Fields
[Verse 1]
Seems like everybody knows how to live
Get a nine-to-five, a little front porch, and two-point-five kids
Back home, if you ain't married by twenty-two
Something's gotta be wrong with you
[Verse 2]
So I hit the sky with a one-way ticket and never looked back
With a thousand bucks, two suitcases, and a plan of attack
Runnin' from the person they wanted me to be
I didn't want to be anyone other than me
Well, I can drink a beer, shoot a deer, and pick a fight too
I'm not like those fake outlaws they're sellin' you
The boys who pushed me into walls in junior high
Callin' themsеlves Jesus-lovin' American guys
I'vе got a message for those hypocrites
I'm comin' in hard with a limp wrist
[Verse 3]
New York took me in and knocked me down
But it beat the hell out of stickin' around that little old town
Where if you ain't the traditional family man
You're on your own, makin' up your life's plan
Well, I can drink a beer, shoot a deer, and pick a fight too
But I'm not like those fake outlaws they're sellin' you
The boys who pushed me into walls in junior high
Callin' themselves Jesus-lovin' American guys
I've got a message for those hypocrites
I'm comin' in hard with a limp wrist
Whatcha makin' up for with your hyper masculine game?
Overcompensatin' to cover up some secret sissy shame
You good old boys keep talkin' like you're goin' to war
Well, you just might be 'cause I'm not takin' your sh*t anymore
Well, I can drink a beer, shoot a deer, and pick a fight too
I'm not like those fake outlaws they're sellin' you
The boys who pushed me into walls in junior high
Callin' themselves Jesus-lovin' American guys
I've got a message for those hypocrites
I'm comin' in hard with a limp wrist
I'm comin' in hard with a limp wrist