Why the Swastika? lyrics


George Lincoln Rockwell

For six years I worked as a "conservative" to save our Republic and our White Race from the Communists, who openly plan to smash these precious things. Then I discovered, that millions of Americans ALREADY know all about what is going on. But they are AFRAID to admit they know what is going on and WHO is doing it! The enemies of America have made it dangerous and expensive to be a strong anti-communist. And they have made it IMPOSSIBLE to say one word about the racial Jews who are PUSHING communism and race-mixing. If you dare to tell the truth or even ASK about it, you lose your job and face ostracism even by your fellow anti-communists who don't want to lose THEIR jobs, which they will unless they curse you and drive you out—to appease the Jews.

From experience in combat in World War II and Korea I know that men cannot be induced to fight a dangerous fight by leaders who stay only in the rear. People follow and FIGHT for a leader who gets out in FRONT and leads a dangerous ATTACK!

I learned that many of our people are sound ASLEEP and need to be SHOCKED awake. They simply pay no attention to "conservative" facts and arguments. They are too busy with their TV, sports cars, money and luxury.

In addition, the enemy controls the TV, papers, movies etc., and sees to it that "conservatives," "state's righters," and other "nice" fighters never reach the people with their facts and arguments.

At one bold stroke, the Swastika completely SMASHES all these obstacles to the victory of White Christian Americans!

The Swastika is SO anti-Jewish that our survival and success with it emboldens scared millions of Americans to come out from under the bed just a little, and eventually they will get brave enough to tell the WHOLE TRUTH ABOUT THE JEWS!

Our iron NERVE in DARING to face the Jews with the Swastika brings us hundreds of brave and fanatic YOUNG MEN instead of the eternal OLD FOLKS in the other right-wing groups. The Swastika is the ideal symbol to lead YOUNG men into COMBAT for their White Race and Republic!

The Swastika SHOCKS Americans into ATTENTION to what we are saying and doing as nothing else will. Every day I am speaking to more mobs of mis-led kids in colleges and universities across America, ONLY because we are INTERESTING and SHOCKING. They come to see the fight or to see me killed. And they stay to LISTEN and LEARN! —It WORKS!!

The "managers" of our news and press can hide "conservatives" and "states righters" with their private meetings from the people. BUT THEY CAN'T HIDE FIGHTING NAZIS MARCHING AND SPEAKING IN THE STREETS UNDER THE SWASTIKA BANNER OF THE WHITE RACE!

Without any real money or help, we have bashed our way from obscurity to international strength only because we have dared to defy the Jew Communists and race mixers with what they hate most—the SWASTIKA!

There is nothing like DEMONSTRATION to convince people. They won't believe you when you TELL them about the Jews and their Communist race-mixing. But when they see, with their own eyes, how these supposed lovers of free speech, civil liberties and "brotherhood" try to murder and imprison NAZIS while they spend millions and fight hard for the "civil rights" of n*gger Communists—you don't have to tell them what's going on. They see it!

Finally, as a matter of actual fact, the swastika has been for thousands of years, the very symbol of the White Race, just as the Star of David is the symbol of the Jew race. Do you think for a moment the Jews would permit us to get them hating and cursing the Star of David because we told a whole lot of lies about them? Never! The cross is the symbol of the faith of our civilization. The Star Spangled Banner is the symbol of our great American Republic! But, without the swastika, we would have no symbol for our RACE!!

The cross of Christ was once the most hated and dangerous symbol in the world, but the early Christians did not run away from it. They stood and died for it when necessary. It is about time for the White Man to recognize that the swastika is the symbol of our sacred White RACE and to quit letting the Jews terrorize him into cursing it. Under the holy symbols of our faith, our nation and our race, the American Nazi Party will lead our people to complete, and, smashing victory over the Communists and race-mixers!

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