1 Sitting in the darkened theatre, you are at first conscious of the audience coughing, and whispering. Then there is the rustling noise of the curtain going up a very silent noise, but you can hear it. The stage is pitch black. A powerful spotlight stabs into the darkness. It reveals a live chicken crucified on a miniature cross. You hear the audience gasp almost in unison.
2 Then a young girl in leotards comes out, slashes the throat of the chicken, unties its wings and legs from the cross and lets it run around the stage with its blood spurting until it falls dead. The stage lights up. The girl takes off her leotards, and picks up a large doll. Howling and giggling, she twists the arms and legs off the doll. Then she lies down, naked, and a huge male comes out with a razor -and shaves the White girl's private parts. They get into a burlap bag and, standing up, engage in sexual intercourse. Finally, the girl emerges from the bag and her naked flesh is rubbed all over with wet spaghetti.
3 You have just been to a performance of the "New Theatre," a "happening" - a classic example of the way Shakespeare has been "improved" by Jean-Jacques Lebel, the producer of the above nightmare.
4 Not to be outdone by "Whites," the Negro race is doing its share to create the same sort of "New Theatre." TIME magazine reports that Le Roi Jones, the Negro "playwright,' puts on a play appropriately called "The Toilet." As the curtain goes up, we see a White boy being held with his head in a urinal by a Negro, while other Negroes actually urinate on the White boy on stage.
5 According to Le Roi's play, the White boy has been trying to get the Negroes to engage in homosexual acts with him, and the Negroes are chastising him by beating him up, stuffing his head in the urinal and actually urinating on his face.
6 Not only is this play actually staged, without public protest, but U.S. tax payers subsidized this degeneracy with $40,000 in federal funds; (U. S. NEWS AND WORLD REPORT, December 13, 1965)
7 In Berkeley, California, the newspaper at the University of California advertises naked sex orgies of the Sexual Freedom League. There are advertisements such as "Slave wants Master," in which masochists want sadists to chain and beat them. These degenerates now brazenly push for naked sex and homosexuality - IN PUBLIC. Their program states, "We would rather see a sex organ in the hands of a child than a war toy." They do not specify WHOSE sex organ. This is distributed freely to innocent young girls on the campus.
8 In San Francisco, under the auspices of a rabbi, the homosexuals hold a formal "ball." In Washington, D. C., in the Sheraton-Park Hotel, the homosexuals, both "male" and "female" hold an official convention, and lobby against any restrictions on their spreading filth. They picket the White House for freedom to "marry" each other. Queers DO get "married" and live together in public. And nobody really protests!
9 Women have been wearing pants for such a long time that it is no longer noticed. But now the "American Observer" newspaper reports that "men" are taking to long hair, cosmetics, perfume, lipstick, and feminine clothes as "high fashion," until it's hard to tell males from females any more among so-called young "mods." Finally, the first skirts are appearing on men!
10 The Associated Press tells us, on May 22, 1966, that there is a huge, million-dollar business in making FALSE EYELASHES for U.S. businessmen! - not just for queers, but ordinary businessmen!
11 TIME magazine for December 9, 1966, describes a Boston opera production including a wild and completely nude SEX ORGY on stage. Herds of animals are slaughtered and naked men and women run riot! This is taken seriously as "art." The police do nothing.
12 United Press International reports that Richmond Professional Institute, with lovely White girls in attendance, has chosen a negress, Beatrice Wynn, as "Beauty Queen" in once-proud Richmond, Virginia. Again, no protest!
13 In Middlesex, England, (a White nation even further along on the road to degeneracy than the U.S.A.) the District Post for March 25, 1965, presents a photograph of a college play about Christ and the Disciples. Christ is portrayed by a Jamaican Negro, while all the White Disciples are shown on their knees before this arrogant black buck, posing as Jesus Christ. In Berkeley, California, an "Anti-Vietnam War Committee' puts out a booklet telling American youth how to duck military service. The pamphlet, called "Brief Notes on Ways and Means of Beating the Draft," list the following methods for our youth to avoid fighting for their country.
14 1. Be a conscientious objector (with details on how to do this). 2. Agitate at the Induction Center, wear anti-war signs, etc. 3. Refuse to sign the oath of loyalty to the U.S.A. 4. Act queer. "Flick your wrist, hold cigarettes delicately, move like chicks do." 5. Get a fake doctor's note that you are "sick," by buying the doctor. 6. Have an epileptic fit on the floor (with full details on how to act it out). 7. Get a jail record for a lot of misdemeanors. 8. Be "nuts." Tell them you're a secret agent for "God." 9. Arrive roaring drunk. 10. Arrive "high" on heroin. 11. Go without a shower for weeks. (Stink, have long hair, go barefoot, talk far-out.") 12. Be a foul-up. Do everything wrong, cause trouble. 13. Be antagonistic, smoke where it's prohibited, fight, argue, raise hell, etc. 14. Be a bed-wetter. "If they don't believe you, prove it !"
15 All of this is being done OPENLY, in violation of the Federal laws against sedition, etc. but nobody does anything about it! (Can you imagine what would have happened if anybody had tried this when HITLER was the enemy?) Nobody stops this sedition!
16 On April 26, 1966, United Press reports that the historic Old South Church in Boston conducted a Sunday "worship" service in which the congregation "frugged" in the aisles, as shown by the incredible picture. No real protest.
17 A Negro preacher halts traffic in Boston, dares the police to arrest him, and tells the black mob that if he IS arrested, they will "rock Boston." This "gentleman" is not arrested, (Boston Record, June 18, 1966)
18 The San Francisco Examiner, June 17, 1966, reports that the United States regularly helps Castro send arms to the Communists in Vietnam with which to kill Americans, by passing Castro's arms ships through "our" Panama Canal. Meanwhile, the U.S. Navy guards Castro from Cuban anti-Communist patriots trying to recapture their own country, and sends any Cuban patriots they catch to PRISON!
19 The New Haven Register, November 29, 1965, reports that American widows and mothers of servicemen killed fighting Communism in Vietnam are being harassed all night long with vile phone calls from Reds who gloat over the deaths of their loved ones!
20 In Dos Palos, California, United Press reports that Jack E. Mulkey, Superintendent of the Poverty War in that area, was "fighting poverty" by buying tuxedoes for Negroes so they can go to dances in style!
21 Associated Press and Reuters report that a chimpanzee named Cindy-Lou in the Worcestershire Zoo, near London, has "astonished the art world with a series of dazzling abstract paintings". A descendant of master painter Sir Joshua Reynolds reports that these "wonderful" ape-paintings are worth hundreds of dollars each!
22 In an officer's club in Murnau, Germany, according to TIME magazine, a Major Robert G. Wallace passes two thousand dollars in bad checks. When the Army seeks to punish him for thus dishonoring his American uniform and for the crime of passing worthless checks ($2,000 worth) the U.S. Court of Appeals turns him loose - saying that since the money was used to gamble, he could not be held to blame for writing any amount of bad checks! No national outrage.
23 In Cleveland, Philadelphia and many other cities, police officers are forbidden to interfere with Negroes openly looting stores. For centuries, looting has been dealt with by shooting all looters, out of hand. Our "leaders" do nothing.
24 TIME magazine reports on September 2, 1966, that one of America's top writers, Norman Mailer ("The Naked and the Dead"), now concentrates on the bowel. "Man's nature," says this Jewish playwright, "can be divined by the color, the shape, the size of the movement of his bowel contents!" This "artist" regularly appears on national TV and has his books published. No outraged protest.
25 While Jewish groups have managed to get Christmas Carols outlawed in many schools in New Jersey, California, New York, Illinois and many other states, Negro groups are actually agitating for NEGRO SANTA CLAUSES - and GETTING them! The Cleveland Press, December 17, 1966, reports they even have a union, "The Union of Negro Santa Clauses" lobbying for black Santa Clauses in stores. Can you IMAGINE the effect of setting YOUR little toddler on the knee of a BLACK Santa Claus? If the kid cries, the case is no doubt referred to the State Discrimination Commission and the toddler sent to reform school for being a "hater."
26 All over Washington, our top diplomats and dignitaries engage in drunken orgies of dancing the "frug" and the "watusi". Photos are made of our leaders appearing in sexual poses exactly like those of naked cannibals in Africa.
27 In San Francisco, a Negro named Harry Dedrick runs a shoeshine parlor. He has hired topless, White girls to shine Negroes' shoes!
28 A press dispatch on August 9, 1961, reports that a Negro mother of 14 illegitimate children in Newark, New Jersey, blames her plight on lack of relief money. She told New Jersey State Senator Grossi that, although she had received more than sixteen thousands dollars in relief money, this amount of money was so small that she was "forced to cohabit with men." No protest.
29 In Berkeley, California, students kidnap a female dean and hold her hostage over night, while the police and administration do nothing. When the police finally arrest one student, mobs surround the car. They imprison the officers for more than a day and most of a night, using the top of the police car as a platform for speeches blasting the university and the police.
30 The prisoner is released! Nobody is disciplined in any way for all this hell. Then the same students parade around the university with signs reading "F-ck!" and other "freedom" words. Still no discipline or resistance!
31 In the middle of the United Slates, we have set up the world's biggest spy and subversion center, the "United Nations." The first General Secretary of this infamous "Trojan horse" in our midst, was none other than Alger HISS, since convicted of perjury and exposed officially as a SOVIET SPY, working to destroy the United States of America, while he was a top officer of "our" state Department AND the Secretary General of the United Nations in San Francisco. Not only does nobody protest, but last year, when this convicted traitor spoke at Princeton University, he was CHEERED by Americans!
32 The Washington Post of November 19, 1966, reports that the Chief Judge of the D.C. Courts has reprimanded police and prosecutors for daring to charge a Negro named Watts with "threatening the President!" At a (Communist) Du Bois Club rally on the grounds of the Washington Monument, Watts shouted that he "would not serve if drafted' and that if he got a rifle in his hands, "the first person I'd shoot would be the President." If you or I said that, we'd be gone. This Black Communist not only howls that threat against our President in our capital, but gets caught with a package of dope on him - and the police are cussed out by the judge for arresting him!
33 Richard Wagner's great opera, Tannhauser, is performed in Bavreuth, Germany, with "Venus" played by a Negress, Leontvne Price.
34 Walter Jenkins is arrested for soliciting homosexual degeneracy in the men's room of the Washington, D.C. YMCA. It turns out that Mr. Jenkins is the closest personal aide to the President of the United States, who does everything possible to cover up the arrest.
35 Meanwhile, Jenkins and the President are famous for conducting nude swimming parties in the White House pool, and almost forcing other top U.S. administrators to strip and swim naked with them. After the hullabaloo dies down, Jenkins moves from Washington to a few miles from LBJ's ranch in Texas. No mention in the press.
36 The Santa Barbara High School puts on the play "King Arthur's Round Table." Sir Launcelot, the lover of Queen Guinevere, is played by a six-foot Negro football player.
37 In literally tens of thousands of jobs, White men are fired or passed over for promotion, especially in the federal government, to make jobs available to admittedly incompetent Negroes! Harry Golden recommends $100 billion be given outright to Negroes by White taxpayers! Negro labor leader A. Philip Randolph goes before Congress and demands a $185 billion gift to Negroes! Americans accept this arrogance meekly.
38 Sammy Davis, Jr., the Negro-Jew entertainer, plays "the fastest gun in the West" in "The Rifleman" TV show. When this one-eyed Jewish Negro appears in the western town, we are shown all the White men running and hiding. Americans swallow this without protest.
39 In Washington, D.C., police corner a Negro rapist in an elevator, stuck between floors, with his White female victim still terrified in there with the Black rapist. Before police break in to rescue the White girl and capture the Negro, they have to read the criminal a speech about his "rights," his privilege of remaining silent and his right to have a lawyer, for fear he might shout something "incriminating!" Madness! - and nobody cares enough to stop it!
40 All over the country, although it is not being reported except in isolated incidents, Negroes are using a new robbery technique. 15 or 20 tough Negro males walk into a small store and, at a given signal, run out with armfuls of goods. Nothing much can be done about it, since they are BLACK.
41 Arrogant traitors parade through American streets burning American flags, and flying enemy Vietcong flags, the flags under which enemy troops are now killing American boys. I try to get the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Birchers, Klan - anybody - to help stop this unspeakable outrage. Nobody will do a thing except talk about it. So I - George Lincoln Rockwell - go out and tear down the first enemy flags in the District of Columbia. And I go to jail for it! My brave lads in Los Angeles, Seattle, Dallas, New York - everywhere - keep tearing down the commie red flags - and going to jail! So the American Legion passes resolutions condemning us as "tied in with the Communists." So do the Birchers!
42 Meanwhile, "peace" marchers sell and wear rings made from metal of American airplanes in which our sons and brothers died over Vietnam. Nobody protests.
43 In San Francisco, firemen going into the tinderbox Hunter's Point Negro section are regularly beaten, stoned and shot at. The firemen can get no protection from cowardly politicians and picket San Francisco City Hall demanding protection. They get none!
44 In Boston, Negro schools are so dangerous the Board of Education can't get any teachers to go in among these vicious Blacks. So they offer a thousand dollar bonus for teachers to face the razors, knives, rape and filth-"Combat Pay" it is called in the press. But it is not enough. Teachers still balk at braving the black hell. (Washington Post, Jan. 13, 1967)
45 Washington, D. C. once had the best schools in the nation. Then it desegregated. Now the schools are overwhelmingly black, after almost all the Whites moved to suburbs. So the D. C. schools have become among the worst in the country- so bad that the race-mixers who ruined them now claim that children attending them are "deprived".
46 Police officers have to be stationed in the halls of these Negro schools, the rooms and halls smell of urine, windows are all smashed out every year, and it is almost impossible to get good teachers to put up with the attacks and abuse heaped on them by Black pupils.
47 The government builds tremendous, multi-million dollar "slum clearance" modern apartment buildings, and turns them over to Negroes almost free. The fine new buildings promptly become vile slums, with elevators unsafe and often inoperative from all the Negro urine which literally shorts out the wires and rots the cables and flooring.
48 Washington, D.C. papers run advertisements for the new "Watergate Apartments," which boast that these new apartments have closed-circuit TV to guard all passageways, electrified fences, armed guards at all entrances and the rest of the things common to a PRISON. Negro crime is so rampant in the capital of the United States that a Congressman is stabbed in his offices by a Black savage.
49 A Congressman's secretary is stabbed as she kneels in prayer in a church. Women in D. C. office buildings must use the ladies rooms only in pairs, because the Blacks lie in wait in rest rooms for unwary, helpless women alone! The Supreme Court of the U. S. provides its secretaries with armed escorts to the women INSIDE its building!
50 High school girls coming to visit their nation's capital in the spring are regularly ravished by sex-crazy Black bucks and even the White school boys are now victims of gangs of Black teenagers who "shake them down" for money, watches and other valuables. Nobody dares point out that this is NEGRO crime. Everybody deplores the "crime wave," but it's "hate" to identify the Black criminals, who commit 85% of serious crime (FBI reports).
51 Tens of thousands of these Blacks, most of them living on "welfare" provided by hard-working White people, have openly organized what they openly call a "Black Revolution," in which they violently attack our cities, policemen, firemen and anybody who is White.
52 They scream, "Burn, baby, burn!", and loot millions of dollars of goods from stores, right under the noses of our policemen (who are usually ordered by politicians to do nothing). And they boast that, if we don't give them what they want, they will "tear down everything Western Civilization stands for," as Stokely Carmichael puts it. There is no real resistance. In fact, at colleges, Carmichael gets standing ovations from White students for his "GET WHITEY" speeches.
53 On almost any magazine stand these days you can buy dozens of paperback books and magazines devoted to the most disgusting pornography, depravity and homosexuality-emphasizing enlarged male genitals and showing nude men caressing each other!
54 A Negro from the Watts section of Los Angeles wins an art prize with a sculpture consisting of the broken window of an automobile, an old generator, a busted oil can and some odd, dirty junk, all welded together. Another "great" "sculptor"-Lipsh*tz-wins another "art" prize and has his work exhibited in the White House.
55 On October 26, 1965, two Chicago police officers are attacked by two Puerto Ricans. To quote the UPI dispatch of March 8, 1966, "The officers encountered Suarez and Rodriguez in an alley, where they said Suarez was waving a broken beer bottle. They pulled their service revolvers, identified themselves as policemen, and ordered Suarez to drop the bottle. Instead Suarez slashed Officer Desutter in the face. He was scarred for life."
56 When the case went to trial before Negro Judge Leighton, the judge freed the two colored citizens and cussed out the cops . "The police officer has no business to pull a gun and attack a citizen," said the judge. "What is a citizen supposed to do when he is approached by two officers with a gun? It is not a crime to walk down a street with a broken beer bottle." Nothing is done.
57 The VIRGINIA SUN TIMES, for March 9, 1965, reports that a Private Burchell of Reno, Nevada, conducted a "lie-in" against the U. S. Army, in the Guard House. Burchell claimed the "right" to get out of the Guard House and the Army, and to win the "right," he refused to eat, wear a uniform, drill, or do "anything except lie in his sack."
58 The Army CAPITULATED to this "lie-in" and discharged Burchell, as he demanded!
59 In Leb's restaurant in Atlanta, Negroes invaded the restaurant, urinated on the tables, and defecated on the floors and chairs! None of these people were arrested.
60 On March 11, 1965, United Press reporting the Negro march on Montgomery, reported that "about 200 boys and girls. . . stood at a given signal and relieved themselves in the street!"
61 An exhibition of "modern art" features a gigantic statue of a female called "She." The statue lies on its back, with the breasts touching the ceiling of the exhibition hail, and its legs spread wide. Visitors enter and leave through a tremendous aperture between the legs! (Ramparts, October 1966)
62 Crucified chickens, naked sex-orgies on stage, bowel-movement prophets, businessmen wearing lipstick and false eyelashes . . . !
63 As painful as it has been for me, I have steeled myself to set down these almost unbelievable samples of rot and insanity infecting our civilization.
64 But the real depth of the problem cannot be gauged by these mere symptoms of degeneracy.
65 To plumb the depth of our plunge toward hell, one must examine the less sensational course of our every-day affairs, and the astounding way we tolerate growing horror in our daily lives.
66 Take a look at what YOU put up with every day of the year - what millions and millions of us meekly tolerate!
67 Just a few generations ago our forefathers fought a desperate war against the mightiest power on earth - the British army and navy - over relatively minor taxes on tea and some stamps required on legal doc*ments. They fought a bloody war for the right to help set those small taxes.
68 Today, not only do we have literally thousands of different taxes on stamps, tea and everything else, but they have STOLEN OUR MONEY TOO!
69 Literally!
70 They've done it so gradually that we have actually allowed ourselves to be robbed, just as surely as if it were done by bandits with pistols.
71 Our grandfathers could guard against future insecurity by saving up actual gold coins. Many young people today have never SEEN a gold coin. They don't miss what they have never experienced. And too few of the rest of us stop to think about it all, so we never remind them.
72 Franklin D. Roosevelt started the robbery by decreeing that YOU CAN'T HAVE ANY GOLD.
74 In the hysteria of a depression, people let Roosevelt and his gang take away every last gold coin we had. It's illegal for you to own them.
75 People tolerated this outrage because, we were told, the gold was held in safekeeping for us at Fort Knox. It said, right on our paper money, that it was backed by that gold (at Fort Knox). My older readers may remember the "Gold Certificates," which were orange-colored instead of green, and redeemable in solid gold.
76 Then, after the people had become accustomed to the idea of not being allowed to have their gold, but only the certificates standing for that gold, they went a step further.
77 They withdrew the gold certificates. They took away the gold backing for our paper money, and replaced it with "Silver Certificates." People went along with this, too, since they felt they could always fall back on the solid silver behind the paper.
78 Then, in 1964, the thieves moved ahead to step three: they changed the paper money again, and took away even the promise to pay for the paper in silver. Take a look at the paper money in your pocket. Unless it is a rarity, it no longer says "Silver Certificate," as it did only a few years ago. Now it just says "Federal Reserve Note."
79 And what does THAT mean? Literally NOTHING! You can get neither gold nor silver coin for the paper.
80 But still there was actual SILVER in the pockets of Americans; dimes, quarters, half-dollars and silver "cartwheels." We still had something of real value.
81 Finally, in 1965, they took the last step and removed the silver from the coinage. Now the coins in your pocket are as worthless as the paper - just slugs.
82 And all this time, FOREIGNERS can and do drain YOUR gold - the gold our ancestors sweat and died to win for America. Foreigners take BILLIONS of dollars worth of gold in periods of weeks. As I dictate these words, foreigners have the right to "call" more of our remaining gold at Fort Knox than is available, leaving you - and your country - penniless.
83 Our great-great-granddaddies fought and won a bloody war over PENNIES and taxes on tea and stamps.
84 Yet the present generation doesn't make any effective protest even when it is ROBBED by its government and given worthless paper and slugs for its gold, while the gold is being hauled out of the country by arrogant foreigners who are getting it FREE - as "foreign aid!"
85 Meanwhile, even the paper money and credit we still have left is taxed at a higher rate (an average of more than 25% total of all taxes) than anything ever known in history under a supposedly free government. Most Americans meekly work about two days out of every week, not to take care of themselves and their dear ones, or even to help OUR nation- but to send wheat, food, machinery and our services to Communists, cannibals and criminal gangsters posing as "statesmen" in Africa, Haiti, Asia, India, etc., and loafing Negroes in America, Much of what we send to India for instance is devoured by millions of sacred COWS and rats- while there are hungry Americans right here at home!
86 Never in history has a great people so meekly submitted to outrageous robbery and payment of tribute to its ENEMIES!
87 Millions of fine American young people who would like to get married, and should be able to, can't - because they can't afford it!
88 So while they work to save enough money to have good American kids, their money is taken in taxes and in gold to enable foreigners and Blacks in Africa and here to have swarms of Black kids on OUR money - on "foreign aid" and "welfare!"
89 Instead of having a sweet little White American baby, American couples must work hard to produce African kids, Asian kids and kids of nations which openly hate us, and millions of illegitimate Black babies living on welfare here in America!
90 Meanwhile, take a ride out on a main road near any big city in what are called the "rush hours." You can't move. You sit, bumper to bumper, jammed in by the enormous crush of PEOPLE. We are almost swamped with people, polluting the air with the cars and manufacturing for too many people, polluting the water with the flood of sewage from too many people, jamming every road, every public and private facility with too many people. And there are such a hellish number MORE people on the way that even the liberals and the United Nations experts cringe. They babble about birth control.
91 But while we already suffer from such a log-jam of population, and limit our own numbers by birth control, our "leaders" are regularly letting down the bars for more and more immigration! We have recently gone all the way in this insanity and opened up the country to the endless millions and millions and millions from teeming Asia and Africa.
92 If you live in or near a big city, is it necessary for me to inform you of what has been done to our beautiful parks?
93 New York's Central Park is perhaps the most horrifying example in America. This refreshing patch of green in the dingy stone canyons of Manhattan was once a haven for nature-starved humanity toiling and living in the depressing artificiality of a great city.
94 But then came the "love-mongers" with their "equality" propaganda and the resulting flood of savage Africans from Harlem. Today, no amount of policing can make Central Park safe for honest citizens, especially women. The Park has been almost formally given up to the Black Terror -to African savagery!
95 It is the same in all the big cities. In Chicago, they have had to rip up the shrubbery in the many small parks scattered throughout the city, because the bushes were used by lurking Blacks to attack White passers-by, especially women. Nor is it only the city parks which have been abandoned to the spawn of the jungle by those who created them.
96 The streets of America, even in small towns, have become the hunting grounds for growing swarms of criminals, almost all of them BLACK. In the face of this danger, the obvious, tried and true methods by which police once kept the streets safe have been abandoned, and the police handcuffed with a crazy pattern of restrictions, so that YOU are no longer able to depend on police to protect you. Many policemen, understandably, would rather look the other way than take the chance of jail or losing their job for stopping a Black criminal and then being accused of "police brutality," or starting a riot.
97 If the reader is a young man, he PERSONALLY faces a horror none of us in previous generations ever had to face.
98 In all wars before Korea and Vietnam, our leaders at least tried to WIN - they didn't risk our lives without letting us use every weapon we had to defend ourselves and beat the enemy. But as I dictate these lines, young Americans boys, armed only with a pistol and a flashlight, are being sent down filthy tunnels after the deadly Vietcong guerillas!
99 All that would be necessary to save the lives of many of these kids would be to squirt TEAR GAS down these holes, forcing the red rats out.
100 But since "world opinion" would raise a hue and cry about even tear gas, we sent those kids down there in the dark and death for NOTHING! Tear gas is reserved only for use on our OWN people, such as college girls at Oxford, Mississippi. Our leaders use bayonets and gas on White girls resisting Black invasion, but won't let American fighting men use that Same tear gas on our deadly Communist enemies in Vietnam!
101 Nobody has even mentioned this, to my knowledge!
102 And, in spite of the fuss made about "our boys" as veterans, they are abandoned the moment they apply for employment with their own government, in favor of AFRICANS. All over America, in Post Offices, Federal installations and federal-funded projects, White men, even veterans, are being discriminated against in favor of Negroes!
103 Mothers with small children are being forced to put helpless White kids on buses and ship them miles across town to BLACK schools, where their White girls will be fondled and attacked by animalistic Negro boys, and little White boys will be beaten and "shaken down" by these same African animals.
104 Literally thousands of the Blacks, man and boy, are heavily armed and openly DRILLING for war against us, war they have already been practicing in dozens of cities, during which they have OVERCOME THE ENTIRE POLICE DEPARTMENTS of such cities as Chicago, Cleveland, Los Angeles, etc., so that the National Guard had to be called out.
105 In the face of this open insurrection by heavily armed Black armies, which have been able to destroy police protection, our "leaders" are demanding that WE be disarmed!
106 They want to take away or register our guns so they can be seized at a moment's notice - by Negro police officers.
107 Nobody disarmed the bloodthirsty "Black Panthers" -who invaded the California Legislature, armed with automatic weapons, shotguns and revolvers!
108 Such examples of depravity and insanity could be multiplied indefinitely. My files bulge with thousands more doc*mented items such as the foregoing.
109 But it should not be necessary.
110 The pattern should be clear to all those who are not determined to be stubbornly blind.
111 It is not these crazy facts themselves which are horrifying. There have always been nuts and criminals and wickedness, treason and depravity.
112 The difference between all previous times and our times is that the sort of monstrous insanity I have reported causes no particular outrage or indignation! These mad and vile things are accepted by most Americans, and the rest of the world. In fact, many of them are points of pride!
113 Nobody has a fit when a Negro gathers our young girls up for a "Sexual Freedom League" and holds naked, interracial sex orgies in Berkeley, California. No. That is a sign of "freedom" and "progress" today!
114 Nobody demands impeachment when the President's top personal aide of many years turns out to be a filthy degenerate, and the President sends Abe Fortas around to hush up the story, even when it is discovered this is not the first time. Instead, the degenerate moves near the President's home in Austin, Texas (which isn't even reported), and the President wins a national election by a landslide!
115 The paintings of apes and the sculptures of madmen and criminals are pushed at us as "art," and those who deny that such depravity IS art are cursed and banished from "decent" society as bigots, "squares" and "philistines."
116 Other civilizations before us have gone down to collapse and death. But always before they fell, they have died of senility, of age, weariness and centuries of decline.
117 White, Western civilization is not old in terms of the millions of years of human existence. It is young, especially in America, and should be vigorous, healthy and aggressive.
118 Instead, it is mortally sick, weak, feeble, mad and depraved - dying.
119 Even Rome, during its decline, never reached the depths to which America has already sunk. If that sounds hard to believe, just try to imagine the following:
120 Picture the pomp and splendor of a Roman "Triumph" for a returning general at the head of his legions; the blaring trumpets, the horses and chariot wheels clattering on the cobblestones, the roar of the Roman crowd, the senators in white togas waiting in their dignity on the steps of the Imperial palace, the marching, armored legions, helmets and swords flashing in the sun, scarlet banners flying from their eagle standards.
121 Now, into the midst of this scene, picture a mob of Black Ethiopian slaves swarming from the gutter over the palace steps shouting "F--- CAESAR!", carrying signs "Smash Roman Power," and singing "We Shall Overcome !"
122 Can you IMAGINE Rome, at its worst, ever tolerating this outrage?
123 But wait! . . . There is more!
124 The trumpets blare and the vast crowd waits for Caesar himself to appear on the balcony high up in the magnificent palace. The great man appears. He raises his hand to still the roars of the crowd. The crowd falls silent, and mighty Caesar speaks. Caesar shouts the battle-cry of the Ethiopians: "WE SHALL OVERCOME !"
125 The Ethiopian Blacks are still mobbing the steps below the balcony, shouting "F--- CAESAR !" Suddenly some members of the Roman crowd leap forward and bash the Ethiopians.
126 Caesar immediately orders the Roman citizens seized and executed, and invites the Black Ethiopians up to the palace so he can apologize over tea and cakes.
127 While Caesar is serving tea and cakes to the Ethiopians, they stage a sit-in in the palace, refusing to leave all night, finally urinating on the marble stairs.
128 Is it necessary to draw the picture to the last line?
129 Can any American forget the scene in the joint session of our Congress in 1965 when our President shouted the slogan of the Black terrorists and revolutionists, "We SHALL OVERCOME!" and our robed Supreme Court rose and applauded? Or when the Negroes held a mass urination in the streets of Montgomery, Alabama?
130 Did any nation ever sink so low? Where, in the history of all peoples for all time, will you find an equal for the situation in America where our "leaders" openly ally themselves with our enemies and persecute patriots? Where our Attorney General gets down on his knees, begging these Black revolutionists to leave his office?
131 How come? Why? What's happened to our people?
132 It is not surprising that there are evil forces at work. That has been the case since history began.
133 But in our time, the very victims of the evil are the chief promoters of the evil itself. Our leaders are for the "barbarians" and against us!
134 Somehow, our people have been brought to the point where the arrogant Khrushchev could boast, rightly, that Americans would soon fall because we have become "too liberal to fight."
135 It is not the evil itself which is horrifying about our times-it is the way we not only tolerate evil, but have made a cult of positively worshipping weakness, depravity, rottenness and evil itself.
136 It is not the death rattle in the throat of Western civilization which is surprising; it is the fact that millions of Americans believe that the death rattle is a beautiful song!
137 Too many Americans are doing everything possible to hasten the death of our civilization, to welcome inferior barbarians who openly organize to murder and destroy our kind forever, all in the name of "Brotherhood" and "Freedom."
138 Why? And what can we do about it?
139 I have written this book to seek the answer.