The Truth lyrics
by Jack & Jack
I know everyone's very curious about this
Whole jack and madison situation
As you probably know a video got leaked
By an “ICLOUD” hacker
Um where G’s calling madison a sl*t you know repeatedly and you know just saying some genuinely nasty stuff towards her
Nobody has any idea where the video came from
Except for me and a few other people
And soon you. the entire world
But anyways what my man g said was not cool
You can't be saying sh*t like that to your significant other
Under any circ*mstance
All i'm gonna do is lay the facts out, on the table
For you guys
And you can take it as you will
Ive been around their fights for the last 3 years, and i know how this sh*t really goes down. and it’s NEVER been a one sided thing . and honestly this video is the first time i've ever heard madison hold her tongue in an argument
So i hit up madison after this video got leaked
And i was accusing her of leaking it
She starts denying it
“yOu ThInK i WaNt ThIs OuT?”
“yOu ReLlY tHiNk i WaNt ThIs OuT?!”
Like “tHiS iS jUsT aS hArD fOr Me”
“PePoLe ArE cAlLiNg Me NaMes” and
Regardless she's
Nah it's not her
She's FULLY confident in that
Her and jack had been you know broken up for a few weeks
They were still talking
They were honestly on good terms
And i was like
Yes thank you both of you are out of this toxic relationship
Like we can just move on with out life's
I guess she was telling him how like i accused her and he's like
“bro,chill out” “i dates this girl for 3 years, i know her, like she would never like purposely try to ruin my career”
And i'm like “ok maybe you’re right”
“who knows what’s going on then”
So gs like “yo we're on good terms i’m just gonna post an apology and you know hope for the best cus like what else can i do? i kinda just got f*cked by this audio clip”
Just makes him seem like a sh*tty person
SO all he could really do was own up to it at this point
He , he refrains from sayin anything from like how the relationship really is
He literally makes madison look like a GREAT f*cking person
Like amazing
Like she literally won the internet at that point
All she had to do was not post that bullsh*t fabricated statement that she put out yesterday and i probably would've left it at that
But after seeing her blantly lie to the world
And after seeing these receipts i'm about to show y'all, i just, i could not let that slide
I’m just not gonna let the world sit in the dark on this situation
Just because G can't speak cus everybody will just freak out on him
Imma speak alright?
Imma tell you the f*cking TRUTH
Madison's “sTaTeMeNt” she put out
Has a very positive uplifting message behind it, but this sh*t makes it looks like gilinsky is just someone he's not
Point. blank. period
This toxic relationship was fully mutual
And her tryna act like some “angel”
Just like some perfect pure angel that helped gilinsky our is this dark spot in his life
Is just
I'm not gonna let that fly
Cus that's just not true
I've heard madison call jack things
And just say things about people in general
That would undoubtedly put her in this exact position right now
If me and G and our friends decided to be on our sketchy, record you in private, black mail sh*t
She would be in this exact same predicament
Her statement just made this relationship seem like something it wasn't
This is around the time when i was learning the truth about the whole hackedmadison account and was starting to get some receipts
And i guess just everything sorta just combalated into her deleting that statement
To me that's a complete admittance of just lying
But take it as you will, take it as you will
Alright let's go back a like month or two like you know like when jack and madison are still dating
Some of mine and jacks die hard fans were taking a trip out to LA
So they go out through their day you know their all like hanging out and snapchatting with eachother
So um i like know who these fans are at this point
Cus you know i see them on snapchats you know not too weird i guess
You can have multiple favs
Like i really didn't think too much of it
I was like “ok that's chill”
You know just hanging with some fans
f*ck yeah
So i start dming yesterday with uh
Two of these three girls in like separate
Dm conversations
We're gonna call these two girls the receipt goddesses
Cus you know their the ones that blessed us with these receipts
She starts dming me “so yo, i wanna tell the you the truth behind the whole madison hacked account”
And at this point i already knew madison was behind it all but you know if i didn't have concrete evidence
Didn't really matter
I was my word vs hers
And like the whole internet is on her side right now so like i would've just got f*cked up
I was sent this
This is uh madison talking to that fans that she had set up the hackedmadison account
And leak all the stuff
I blurred her number out for obvious reasons
But uh you know i check it in my phone uh
Didn't have the contact saved so i could literally verify the number was hers
Cus i just checked my contacts and it was the exact same number
And yeah there it is
There's her putting it out there herself
And i quote directly from Madison Beers statement
“JaCk AnD i HaViNg To FaCe ThIs AgAiN hAs BeEn So HaRd”
You put this out there yourself
Don't try and mhm
You love this sh*t
You love that, that was out there
You leaked this sh*t now you're trying to act like you didn't want it out there?
Just stop
Everyone in this social media bubble that we live in just doesn't know sh*t about the relationship
You only know what you see
And what you see never the whole truth
Here we have madison writing a message
In third person
Which is just already weird as f*ck um
That she wants these girls to put on the hacked account and make it seem like it's coming from a source
Keep in mind that account is deleted now
And the fact she's trying to get people to sympathize with her over some sh*t that's not even true?
What are you doing yo?
This whole situation has made me look at her so differently
Jack and madison should've realized a long time ago that they were toxic for eachother
Everybody tried to tell them
Their friends
I'm not gonna let her make it seem like it was just gilinsky saying it to her and not vise versa
Cus that's never been the case
You don't just try and just f*ck over someone's life
Once again i'm never gonna justify anything jack said in that video
That's never been the point of this video
I just want you guys to take this information as you wish and i'm glad you just watched this
And yeah