{George The Priest}
Jeremiah you seemed to have learned a lot
And talking to me helped to complete this puzzle
What the f*ck are you talking about
I’m still gonna be the same f*cking person
{George The Priest}
I don’t think so Jeremiah
You were talking about how you wanted to change
And better yourself for your family
You really think I’m gonna f*cking change
Are you f*cking retarded
People never f*cking change dumbass
{George The Priest}
Thats not true Jeremiah
Shut yo peto ass up
f*cking peto head ass
Suck my di*k and scratch my left nut
{George The Priest}
Why are you still being like this
Because I’m so f*cking scared of where I’m going to go after I f*cking die
How about you go back to playing with your you know
f*cking little boys you keep f*cking touching
And I leave right now
How bout that
{George The Priest}
Again for the hundredth time we priests do not do that
We want kids to be protected
And have a peaceful and happy life
You're still f*cking lying
You know what George
f*ck you
f*ck you George
I’m f*cking leaving (confessional door opens)
I’m f*cking done
I’m f*cking out of here
I’m f*cking out of here
I’m done
(Church main door slams)
{George The Priest}
You’re definitely going to hell