Teen Body Disposal (Interlude) lyrics
At a unit in Sydney, a man is preparing to dispose of a teenage girl’s body. The body has been decapitated, and the fingers removed. He wraps the girl’s head in his dressing gown, and puts it and the fingers into a plastic garbage bag.
I want men to treat me like dirt, to humiliate me, to torment me. I like to be abused. He cut me into little pieces. I wanted him to carve me with a blade. I want no mercy. I want to cry, to scream and struggle while being hit for no reason by someone who has no emotion, no trust, no interest, no sexual desire. I wanted you to rape me as well.
In another bag, he methodically collects a [stolen?] evening [dress?], some clothes and jewelry. He then rolls the naked, headless body in two of his bedsheets, carries it to his car, and heaves it into the boot. He drives off to dump the body and the bags in local bush land.