Mister Right lyrics
by Kurt Weill
He will be a perfect dream of manhood
He'll be everything and more a man should
Tender as a flower
He'll look like Tyrone Power
That's all I want of Mister Right
The year we wed, he'll make a million and retire
Then we'll lead a life of mad desire
He'll be part of me
I'll be part of he
It will be love at first sight
The day I find Mister Right
He'll father me and mother me
And sister me and brother me
And in his arms he'll crush me
And constantly mush me
And he won't mind if I spend all his earnings
Long as I'm releasing all my yearnings
He will live for me
I will live for he
And we will live every night
When I have found Mister Right
Yes! I know that somewhere in this wide, wide world there, there is an ideal man for me. And he will awaken me and complete me.
With Mister Right I'll never have to explain a thing. He'll always know. We won't have to say a word to each other for years! If I'm upset because I, I had trouble with the saleslady in the lingerie department on the second floor of Gimbels, I, I won't have to tell him. One look in my eyes and he'll know I had trouble with the saleslady in the lingerie department on the second floor of Gimbels.
And, and when I make little mistakes, as whom doesn't? He'll always be kind and understanding. If I give away all his new clothes by mistake, he'll smile. And, and when I break his razor shaving my legs, oh, he'll only be amused. Yes, yes, that's Mister Right. My darling, my darling Mister Right.
Oh! the moment that we meet I'll tumble
Ah, I'll see him and I'll start to crumble
He will say hello, and boom! inside I'll know
At last I've found my Mister Right
He'll take my hand and bing! My every thought will scatter
Then my heart will give a zing and shatter
Bells will start to ring
And we'll get married that night
Bang! When I will have Mister Right
He'll make not one mistake, he'll be solid good
Just like I dreamed he always could
Not ever sweet or arty
But strong and Bogarty
One look and I will feel I'm in a c*cktail shaker
For I'll know that I have met my maker
He'll have no match
So on him I'll latch
The moment he is inside
That handy, dandy, dreamy, screamy man
Mister Right!