Stay Well lyrics
by Kurt Weill
If I tell truth to you, my love, my own
Grief is your gift to me, grief alone
Wild passion at midnight
Wild anger at dawn
Yet when you're absent
I weep, you gone
Stay well, oh keeper of my love
Go well throughout all your days
Your star, my luckiest star above
Your ways, the luckiest ways
Since unto you my one love is given
And since with you it will remain
Though you bring fear of hell, despair of heaven
Stay well, come well to my door again
[STEPHEN, spoken]
The trial will begin tomorrow, Irina. He has asked me if you wish to marry him in the prison?
[IRINA, spoken]
[STEPHEN, spoken]
And you will wait?
[IRINA, spoken]
Yes, umfundisi.
[STEPHEN, spoken]
Even if he does not come back at all?
[IRINA, spoken]
I will still wait.
[STEPHEN, spoken]
Stay well, my child.
[IRINA, spoken]
Go well, my father.
Your star be still my luckiest star
Your ways, the luckiest ways
Though into storm your lone bark be driven
Though my eyes ache for you in vain
Though you bring fear at dawn, despair at even
Stay well, come well to my door again