Johnny’s Speech lyrics
by Kurt Weill
[JOHNNY, spoken]
Think of it—
There you stand
Like a picture in that history book I read
Minny Belle said I'd see you so
And now at last I have
Your hand uplifted with a torch
Saying goodbye to us
Good luck, and bless you, every one
And God bless you, oh mother of liberty!
That's what you are
A sort of mother to us all
And we your sons
I raise my hand
And swear a Bible oath
That Johnny Johnson—
That's my name—
I swear that neither by look or thought or word
Will I fail either you or Minny Belle
And I will keep my character clean
And come back as I went—
Without a smirch
I swear, I swear
Star light, star bright
Goodbye, Minny Belle, my darling
I sleep with your dear picture 'gainst my heart