Act I, The Patriarchs, Scene 8: Jacob and Rachel lyrics
by Kurt Weill
Young was Rachel, and tender with beauty favored
And Jacob saw and loved her
Like a dream thou comest, Rachel
Bringing in a vision mild
Far-off days when first I saw thee
Queen and shepherdess and child
Rememb'rest thou, beside the waters
Faithfulness and love we vowed?
With a kiss that said "Forever"
Rememb'rest thou I wept aloud?
Rememb'rest thou the bitter service
Thou wert made for me to pay?
Seven years like days they vanished—
Love made each a day
But that night came—
Night accursed wherein, broken and defiled
Of the payment long awaited
I was by a trick beguiled!
Now dear is my sister to thee
Many sons she bore to me
To thee my heart is given
And to Joseph born of thee
Dost thou measure what I suffered
Through the hopeless barren years?
When the Lord refused to answer
Thy imploring, and my tears
Shattered on the earth before thee
Like a beggar I did lie
"Give me children," I besought
"Make me fruitful, or I die"
Still that cry of anguish echoes
Like a torment in my ear
And I answered thee with harshness
Speaking cruel words to hear
Cruel wert thou not, my Jacob
Tender wert thou, full of light
Healed we are redeemed, O Rachel
For the Lord beheld our plight
Once more by the spring I see thee—
In my soul its murmurs dwell
There my heart received its master
Jacob dearest, stay, farewell
Must thou go?
Yes, I must leave thee
Is thy sojourn far from me?
It is near that gate of sorrow
Which from sorrow sets us free
Dark the words are that thou speakest
Though in mystery I dwell
By command of the Eternal
I shall love thee, Israel