Act II. Moses, Scene 23: Moses Gives the Commandments to the People—The Death of Moses lyrics
by Kurt Weill
Israel! Israel!
Israel! Israel! Israel!
This, oh my folk
This is the book
The book of commandments
Sh'ma yisra'el
Adonai eloheinu
Adonai eḥad
Hear O Israel
The Lord our God is one, is one God
And thou shalt love the Lord, thy God—
—With all thine heart and with all thy soul and with all thy might
Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself—
—For children are ye of the Lord, your God
For this commandment is not hidden, neither is it far off
It is not in heaven
But very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart
See, I have set before thee this day, life and good
Dеath and evil
The mystery bеlongs to the Lord, our God
But the revelation is ours forevermore
Take this commandment
And keep it holy
What through me was spoken
Be yours evermore
Now go consoled and comforted
Towards Canaan the blessed
We halt no more, and we are not afraid
For the Lord our God shall lead us onward
To the Land, fare ye well
To the Land, fare ye well
To the Land, to the land of our vision
We halt no more, and we are not afraid
For the Lord our God shall lead us onward
To the Land, fare ye well
To the Land, fare ye well
To the Land, to the land of our vision
Give ear, O heavens, for I will speak now
And hear, O earth, the words that from my lips will issue
Like rain from heaven shall flow my tidings
And every word shall fall like dew upon the grass
The portion of God is His folk
And Jacob is His one possession
In the desert and in the wilderness
Where the wind howls there found He him
And He encompassed him as might an eagle
And on His pinions bore Israel home
Sing loud, my people, for His He made ye
O Israel, O Israel, His love is thine
And those that hate thee shall be confounded
But thou shalt wander on the mountain peaks with God
My land, still may I behold thee?
Thine eyes have looked on the Promised Land
And Moses died then, the true servant
And no man knows until this day
The place where his grave is laid
[Scene change: the death of Moses.]
O Lord of the world, how great was the pain
Of turning the stiff-necked people toward Thee
Just one reward sustained me through all
Good was the torment, for sweet was the hope
Of beholding once the fulfillment
See where their armies march, host upon host
Already their bridges span the wide stream
And Thou comest now to stay me
Hast Thou not written in Thine own decrees:
"The laborers' hire pay thou the same day
Lest for his reward the heart in him famish?"
And I, who labored on Thy commands
I go to my sleep unrewarded
Thy word is as sharp as a glittering sword
But the word of the Lord is still sharper
Behold, look on me
Ye weep, ye weep
Man Moses, the Angel of Death!
Stand thou and tremble
In my great hand are the souls of all mortals given
But mine is not
It is too mighty for thee
Wherein is thy might?
In the wonders I did
The wonders are God's
What hast thou performed?
I accepted the law in the midst of the flames
That was God's indulgence
What hast thou performed?
I dared to wage war with God Himself
For His law's sake and for His people
O Lord of the world, strip the Moses from me
And let me go in as the lowliest man
To live in the land of my fathers
If that be too much, then make me a beast
Or even a bird, just a bird let me be
Which outspreads its wings over Lebanon
If that be too much, then make me as grass
The grass which the winds caress
On the banks of the Jordan
If thou wouldst awake in the world of God
Must thou not die as a mortal?
O rock without turning
O God without guile
Thy decisions are just
Thy judgment true
Lower thine eyelids and close them at last
Fold on thy breast thy weary arms Sleeping
Sleeping, wait for him Wait for Him
Who cometh Who cometh
Thine eyelids close
Soul of Moses, come thou, abandon this form
Oh, fall into sleep
Dear to me was this form
I will not depart
And fold on thy breast
Soul of Moses, is it more dear than I?
Thy weary arms Nay Lord, but Thee, but Thee do I love
Thy labor is ended
Thy task is fulfilled
Then come, so that I may kiss thee Well hast thou served Me, Moses
Come unto Me, come unto Me
Now thy work is done
And rest with Me