Act III, The Kings, Scene 24 (Cont.): Ruth and Boaz lyrics
by Kurt Weill
But suddenly Boaz awoke in the night
And lo, a woman was there
Who art thou?
I am Ruth
Yes, thou art Ruth
To thy near kinsman was I wed in youth—
And utterly to the Eternal given—
From mine own life and mine own people driven
I wander widowed in a world forlorn—
And gleanest ears amid the alien corn
How camest thou that lovely faith to cherish?
God wills that not one branch of Jacob perish
Thus speak thy lips, thine eyes, oh, let me see
Oh, any youth, however deep his dreaming
Could love thee for the beauty from thee strеaming
Why seekest thou an aging man like me?
Not I, but God hath placеd me here before thee
Nay child, on bended knee I should adore thee
That bringest me the highest good so late
Shall I now go?
Ruth, till the morning wait
Make here thy fragrant bed, and with security
Sleep through the night untroubled for thy purity
But rise before the early morningtide
That none may see, nor words be said, to shame thee
When day burns high, I shall appear to claim thee
Redeeming thee, and making thee my bride
[Scene change: The wedding.]
To thy word, Boaz, all shall witness be
No branch or leaf shall die on Jacob's tree
Like Rachel's and like Sarah's be thy name
And be thy seed and theirs of equal fame
Free was thy choice
Thy faith sought no reward
Therefore be thou exalted Free was thy choice
Be thou exalted of the Lord Thy faith sought no reward
Therefore be thou exalted Therefore be thou exalted
Be thou exalted of the Lord Be thou exalted of the Lord
Be thou exalted of the Lord Free was thy choice, thy faith sought no reward
Be thou exalted Free was thy choice, thy faith sought no reward
Exalted of the Lord Therefore be thou exalted of the Lord
Free was thy choice
Thy faith sought no reward
Therefore be thou exalted of the Lord