The Letter lyrics
by Kurt Weill
[NARRATOR, spoken]
Then comes a knock upon the door
A letter! Who could it be for?
Message from the Duchess!
From her grace, the Duchess!
[CELLINI, spoken]
It's the Duchess' handwriting!
[ANGELA, spoken]
What does the Duchess want with you?
[CELLINI, spoken]
She wants me to decorate her fountain
"My dear Benvenuto!
Somehow I can't bear you any malice
That I'm still your friend I guarantee you
Hurry, meet me at the city palace
But be sure that no one see you
Study this epistle
Follow each detail
When you get there, whistle
Just like the nightingale (Hmm)
Near the second bed of yellow roses
Almost hidden by a lemon tree
A secret door discloses
Nobody but me"
A secret door discloses—
[NARRATOR, spoken]
Cellini's off again. His gal
Is left bereft, her tears well
When Emilia, fresh from last night's fling
Arrives with friends who start to sing
[EMILIA, spoken]
We had a wonderful time, Angela.
[FIRST MODEL, spoken]
The wine was wonderful.
[SECOND MODEL, spoken]
The singing was wonderful.
[THIRD MODEL, spoken]
The dancing was wonderful.
[EMILIA, spoken]
You are all lying, and you know it. The men were wonderful! I could get along anytime without a woman, but how I'd hate to get along without a man, because I think men are just wonderful, just wonderful.
[THE MODELS, spoken]
Men—just wonderful!
[ANGELA, spoken]
Are they, really?
[THE MODELS, spoken]
You mean you don't think men are wonderful?