The Yellow Dog Story lyrics
by The Grateful Dead
What we're doing is we're stalling for time while he changes his broken string
(Tell 'em about the yellow dog) (No, don't dare)
Now what I think I'll do is I'll take this opportunity to tell y'all a story
'Cause y'all haven't heard it yet
And it goes like, goes like this
There was a fellow, and he had a dog, a pet dog
And he used to walk his dog around, every now and again
And anyway, well, it was a hot summer day and he walking his dog
And he thought he'd stop off at the bar and have himself a beer
And he did just that
He walked into the bar, and he walked up to the bar
And he put his change on the bar, and he said to the bartender, "I'd like a glass of beer."
Bartender said, "Certainly, sir, coming right up."
Meanwhile, while he was waiting for his beer, he looked down the bar and there was this fellow sitting down the bar with a big black slick mean-looking dog
Now the fellow down the other side of the bar, with the short fat squat ugly little yellow dog, said ... nothing
But the guy with the big black slick mean-looking dog looked down the bar at the guy with the short fat squat ugly little yellow dog, and said "Hey, that sure is an ugly little dog you got there, mister. All short fat squat ugly and yellow." Well, the guy with the short fat squat ugly little yellow dog said to the guy with the big black sleek mean-looking dog said, "Yeah, well he may be ugly but he sure can fight."
And the guy with the big black slick mean-looking dog said to the guy with the short fat squat ugly little yellow dog, said, "Yeah?"
The guy with the short fat squat ugly little yellow dog said, "Yeah."
So they decided they'd take them both out back behind the bar and let them fight it out. "I'll put a five on mine. You put a five on yours. Winner take home the bucks."
They figured that was a good idea and they did just that. They took them out the back and they let them fight it out. And the short fat squat ugly little yellow dog just kicked you-know-what out the big black slick mean-looking dog. And when the fight was over and the big black slick mean-looking dog was over in the corner licking his wounds, the short fat squat ugly little yellow dog was hopping around, the guy with the big black slick mean-looking dog allowed his, uh, "Yeah, the short fat squat ugly little yellow dog sure could fight. But, I never seen a dog look like that before, all short fat squat ugly little and yellow. What kind of dog is that anyway?" The guy with the short fat squat ugly little yellow dog said to the guy with the big black slick mean-looking dog, said, "Yeah, well he used to be an alligator before I cut his tail off and painted him yellow."