Mid-Flight Announcement (Skit) lyrics
by Reekado Banks
Goo moring ladies and gentlemen
You are welcome aboard this Boeing 737 Stories that Toush h'airline flight to London, jUK coming from Lagos, Nigeria
Your pilot for today is Captain FalztheBahdGuy
I'm the assistant by name of Brother Taju but the ladies call me T.J. for short
Sincere apology to make this announcement in the mid-h'air
Our megaphone is not working before
But our mochalic is able to fiz it
So mush pothole on the way going
Therefore we are likely to experience serious troubulent
But not to worry, just fasten your seatbent
There may be lost of cabin preyor
We have exhaust all our oxygen maks
Maintain your breathing, do not behave like illiterate
Is also possible that we are force to land on water
There is no life jacket on this elucopter
Sorry sorry thi is aeroplane
In this aeroplane, sorry, so you will be stranded
If you look to your back, you'll observe that the cabin crews are just about to light the gas in order to prepare your lunsh
In the meantime, there is a lirru bit of fingerfood together with a cold mineral for you to feel comfortable
Once again thanks so much for choosing to fly with Stories that Touch h'airline
Sit back, relaz comfortable and enjoy your flight