Don Carlos (Act 2 Scene 4) lyrics


Friedrich Schiller

The antechamber to the QUEEN'S apartments. DON CARLOS enters in
conversation with a PAGE. The attendants retire at his approach.

For me this letter? And a key! How's this?
And both delivered with such mystery!
Come nearer, boy:—from whom didst thou receive them?

It seemed to me the lady would be guessed
Rather than be described.

The lady, what!
Who art thou, boy?

      &nbsp       &nbsp[Looking earnestly at the PAGE.

A page that serves the queen.

(affrighted, putting his hand to the PAGE's mouth).
Hold, on your life! I know enough: no more.
      &nbsp       &nbsp[He tears open the letter hastily, and retires to read it; meanwhile
DUKE ALVA comes, and passing the Prince, goes unperceived by him
into the QUEEN'S apartment, CARLOS trembles violently and changes
color; when he has read the letter he remains a long time
speechless, his eyes steadfastly fixed on it; at last he turns to
the PAGE.

She gave you this herself?

With her own hands.

She gave this letter to you then herself?
Deceive me not: I ne'er have seen her writing,
And I must credit thee, if thou canst swear it;
But if thy tale be false, confess it straight,
Nor put this fraud on me.

This fraud, on whom?

CARLOS (looking once more at the letter, then at the PAGE with doubt
and earnestness).
Your parents—are they living? and your father—
Serves he the king? Is he a Spaniard born?
He fell a colonel on St. Quentin's field,
Served in the cavalry of Savoy's duke—
His name Alonzo, Count of Henarez.

(taking his hand, and looking fixedly in his eyes).
The king gave you this letter?

(with emotion).
Gracious prince,
Have I deserved these doubts?

(reading the letter).
"This key unlocks
The back apartments in the queen's pavilion,
The furthest room lies next a cabinet
Wherein no listener's foot dare penetrate;
Here may the voice of love without restraint
Confess those tender feelings, which till now
The heart with silent looks alone hath spoken.
The timid lover gains an audience here,
And sweet reward repays his secret sorrow."
      &nbsp       &nbsp[As if awakening from a reverie.

I am not in a dream, do not rave,
This is my right hand, this my sword—and these
Are written words. 'Tis true—it is no dream.
I am beloved, I feel I am beloved.

      &nbsp       &nbsp[Unable to contain himself, he rushes hastily through the room,
and raises his arms to heaven.

Follow me, prince, and I will lead the way.

Then let me first collect my scattered thoughts.
The alarm of joy still trembles in my bosom.
Did I e'er lift my fondest hopes so high,
Or trust my fancy to so bold a flight?
Show me the man can learn thus suddenly
To be a god. I am not what I was.
I feel another heaven—another sun
That was not here before. She loves—she loves me!

(leading him forward).
But this is not the place: prince! you forget.

The king! My father!

      &nbsp       &nbsp[His arms sink, he casts a timid look around, then
collecting himself.

This is dreadful! Yes,
You're right, my friend. I thank you: I was not
Just then myself. To be compelled to silence,
And bury in my heart this mighty bliss,
Is terrible!

      &nbsp       &nbsp[Taking the PAGE by the hand, and leading him aside.

Now here! What thou hast seen,
And what not seen, must be within thy breast
Entombed as in the grave. So now depart;
I shall not need thy guidance; they must not
Surprise us here! Now go.

      &nbsp       &nbsp[The PAGE is about to depart.

Yet hold, a word!

      &nbsp       &nbsp[The PAGE returns. CARLOS lays his hand on his shoulder, and looks
him steadily in the face.

A direful secret hast thou in thy keeping,
Which, like a poison of terrific power,
Shivers the cup that holds it into atoms.
Guard every look of thine, nor let thy head
Guess at thy bosom's secret. Be thou like
The senseless speaking-trumpet that receives
And echoes back the voice, but hears it not.
Thou art a boy! Be ever so; continue
The pranks of youth. My correspondent chose
Her messenger of love with prudent skill!
The king will ne'er suspect a serpent here.

And I, my prince, shall feel right proud to know
I am one secret richer than the king.

Vain, foolish boy! 'tis this should make thee tremble.
Approach me ever with a cold respect:
Ne'er be induced by idle pride to boast
How gracious is the prince! No deadlier sin
Canst thou commit, my son, than pleasing me.
Whate'er thou hast in future for my ear,
Give not to words; intrust not to thy lips,
Ne'er on that common high road of the thoughts
Permit thy news to travel. Speak with an eye,
A finger; I will answer with a look.
The very air, the light, are Philip's creatures,
And the deaf walls around are in his pay.
Some one approaches; fly, we'll meet again.

      &nbsp       &nbsp[The QUEEN'S chamber opens, and DUKE ALVA comes out.

Be careful, prince, to find the right apartment.

      &nbsp       &nbsp[Exit.

It is the duke! Fear not, I'll find the way.
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