Don Carlos (Act 5 Scene 6) lyrics
by Friedrich Schiller
CARLOS remains behind with the corpse. After a few moments Louis
MERCADO appears, looks cautiously round him, and stands a long time
silent behind the PRINCE, who does not observe him.
I come, prince, from her majesty the queen.
   [CARLOS turns away and makes no reply.
My name, Mercado, I'm the queen's physician
See my credentials.
   [Shows the PRINCE a signet ring. CARLOS remains still silent.
And the queen desires
To speak with you to-day—on weighty business.
Nothing is weighty in this world to me.
A charge the Marquis Posa left with her.
(looking up quickly).
Indeed! I come this instant.
No, not yet,
Most gracious prince! you must delay till night.
Each avenue is watched, the guards are doubled
You ne'er could reach the palace unperceived;
You would endanger everything.
And yet——
I know one means alone that can avail us.
'Tis the queen's thought, and she suggests it to you;
But it is bold, adventurous, and strange!
What is it?
A report has long prevailed
That in the secret vaults, beneath the palace,
At midnight, shrouded in a monk's attire,
The emperor's departed spirit walks.
The people still give credit to the tale,
And the guards watch the post with inward terror.
Now, if you but determine to assume
This dress, you may pass freely through the guards,
Until you reach the chamber of the queen,
Which this small key will open. Your attire
Will save you from attack. But on the spot,
Prince! your decision must be made at once.
The requisite apparel and the mask
Are ready in your chamber. I must haste
And take the queen your answer.
And the hour?
It is midnight.
Then inform her I will come.
   [Exit MERCADO.