Love and Intrigue (Act 2 Scene 7) lyrics


Friedrich Schiller

Officers of Justice—the former.

(flies to LOUISA, who, overcome with fear, faints in his arms) Louisa!—Help, for God's sake! Terror overpowers her!

[MILLER, catching up his cane and putting on his hat,
prepares for defense. MRS. MILLER throws herself on her
knees before the PRESIDENT.]

(to the officers, showing his star) Arrest these offenders in the duke's name. Boy, let go that strumpet! Fainting or not—when once her neck is fitted with the iron collar the mob will pelt her till she revives.

Mercy, your excellency! Mercy! mercy!

(snatching her from the ground with violence) Kneel to God, you howling fool, and not to villains—since I must to prison any way!

(biting his lips) You may be out in your reckoning, scoundrel! There are still gallows to spare! (To the officers.) Must I repeat my orders?

[They approach LOUISA—FERDINAND places himself before her.]

(fiercely) Touch her who dare! (He draws his sword and flourishes it.) Let no one presume to lay a finger on her, whose life is not well insured. (To the PRESIDENT.) As you value your own safety, father, urge me no further!
(to the officers in a threatening voice) At your peril, cowards! (They again attempt to seize LOUISA.)

Hell and furies! Back, I say! (Driving them away.) Once more, father, I warn you—have some thought for your own safety! Drive me not to extremity!

(enraged to the officers) Scoundrels! Is this your obedience? (The officers renew their efforts.)

Well, if it must be so (attacking and wounding several of them), Justice forgive me!

(exasperated to the utmost) Let me see whether I, too, must feel your weapon! (He seizes LOUISA and delivers her to an officer.)

(laughing bitterly) Father! father! Your conduct is a galling satire upon Providence, who has so ill understood her people as to make bad statesmen of excellent executioners!

(to the officers) Away with her!

Father, if I cannot prevent it, she must stand in the pillory—but by her side will also stand the son of the president. Do you still insist?

The more entertaining will be the exhibition. Away with her!
I will pledge the honor of an officer's sword for her. Do you still insist?

Your sword is already familiar with disgrace. Away! away! You know my will.

(wrests LOUISA from the officer and holds her with one arm, with the other points his sword at her bosom.) Father, rather than tamely see my wife branded with infamy I will plunge this sword into her bosom. Do you still insist?

Do it, if the point be sharp enough!

(releases LOUISA, and looks wildly towards heaven) Be thou witness, Almighty God, that I have left no human means untried to save her! Forgive me now if I have recourse to hellish means. While you are leading her to the pillory (speaking loudly in the PRESIDENT'S ear), I will publish throughout the town a pleasant history of how a president's chair may be gained! [Exit.

(as if thunder-struck) How? What said he? Ferdinand! Release her instantly! (Rushes after his son.)
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