The Death of Wallenstein (Act 4 Scene 4) lyrics
by Friedrich Schiller
To these enter COUNT TERZKY.
Joy, general, joy! I bring you welcome tidings.
And what may they be?
There has been an engagement
At Neustadt; the Swedes gained the victory.
From whence did you receive the intelligence?
A countryman from Tirschenreut conveyed it.
Soon after sunrise did the fight begin
A troop of the imperialists from Tachau
Had forced their way into the Swedish camp;
The cannonade continued full two hours;
There were left dead upon the field a thousand
Imperialists, together with their colonel;
Further than this he did not know.
How came
Imperial troops at Neustadt? Altringer,
But yesterday, stood sixty miles from there.
Count Gallas' force collects at Frauenberg,
And have not the full complement. Is it possible
That Suys perchance had ventured so far onward?
It cannot be.
We shall soon know the whole,
For here comes Illo, full of haste, and joyous.