End Titles lyrics
by Audrey Hepburn
[HIGGINS plays from the recording machine.]
[ELIZA, spoken]
Oh, we are proud
He ain't above givin' lessons, not 'im, I 'eard 'im say so
Well, I ain't come here to ask for any compliment
And if my money's not good enough I can go elsewhere
[HIGGINS, spoken]
Good enough for what?
[ELIZA, spoken]
Good enough for you
Now you know, don't ya?
I'm come to 'ave lessons, I am, and to pay for 'em, too, make no mistake
[PICKERING, spoken]
What is it you want, my girl?
[ELIZA, spoken]
I, Iwant to be a lady in a flower shop
'Stead of sellin' at the corner of Tottenham Court Road
But they won't take me unless I can talk more genteel
'E said 'e could teach me
Well, 'ere I am ready to pay 'im
Not asking any favor and he treats me as if I was dirt
I know what lessons cost as well as you do and I'm ready to pay
I won't give more than a shillin', take it or leave it
[HIGGINS, spoken]
It's almost irresistible
She's so deliciously low, so horribly dirty
I'll take it
I'll make a duchess of this draggle-tailed guttersnipe
[ELIZA stops the recording machine.]
[ELIZA, spoken]
I washed my face and hands before I come, I did
[HIGGINS, spoken]
Where the devil are my slippers?