Feel Better (2018) lyrics
by Penelope Scott
Don't want to feel better
No one's ever going to love me like that again
I don't want to get over you
I want to sit with you in bed
I don't want to feel better
I'll give anything to miss you again
I don't want to get over it
I want to get under it instead
A book sits on top on clean and messy blankets
On a bed that f*cking creeks at night when I get in it
Late at night I'm chugging Gatorade and someones breaking up
And I crack up because I know I'll never know just want to say
I'm a Communist
A Terrorist
A MPDG thot
Or I'm a sad girl
And it's one man living out the sh*tty Christian plot of twilight
Or the Bible
Or The lover by Duras
Or I'm just really f*cking selfish and really f*cking lost
But someone loved me
Someone f*cking loved me
Someone f*cking loved me
And I f*cking loved them too
God Damn it I was worth something
I f*cking leaned something
I had my cake and I ate it
And it ate me too
I don't want to feel better
I kept your liquor in a suitcase underneath my bed
And we drank it to go out or just stay in or to feel sad
But in a hot way
In a way I'll f*cking never have again
The sun has begun to set
I'm a socialist, Marxist‚ libertarian sl*t
I'm an awkward teenage virgin
I and swear I kind of laugh a lot in bed
Other times I cry or don't make noise at all
I'd give my life to have a room that feels that small
'Cause someone loved me
Someone f*cking loved me
Someone f*cking loved me
I loved them too
God Damn it I was worth something
I f*cking earned something
I had a right to die
A right to live
A right to choose too
And God no
Of course I don't want to feel better
Can you f*cking imagine
No one's every going to love me like that again
I don't want to get over it
I want to rip the stars to shreds
I don't want to feel better
I mean of course it hurt
I mean of course it f*cking hurt
It hurt like nothing in the world sometimes
And I was super scared
And we were all a train wreck
And also somehow making it
I think I may have died there twice
And I would do it all again
I'm a nihilist‚ a soldier‚ an OCD machine
Or I'm a healthy baby girl who traded sunshine for disease
But when my head hit my sheet pillow
I could tell I had a heart
And I want to tear this fascist milky way apart
'Cause someone loved me
Someone f*cking loved me
On all my filthily life I loved someone I barley knew
God Damn it I was worth something
I f*cking leaned something
And it felt better in my mouth than fresh warm food
I guess I loved you
I guess I really loved you
All my life I loved someone I barley knew
And now your over there
And I'm way over here
What am I gonna do?
I don't want to feel better
No one's ever going to love me like that again
I don't want to get over it
I want to sit with you in bed
I don't want to feel better
I don't want to feel better