The Weaversville Home For Boys lyrics
by Couch Slut
The Weaversville Home For Boys was a juvenile detention facility
Down a dark, winding road
Red brick house
Tall barbed wire fence
Amidst cornfields and forests
The building’s still there
Now these were the worst boys you have ever seen
Boys who killed their parents
Boys who raped their siblings
The kind of boys who under no circ*mstances are to be let out
Back in school a man came to speak to us about thе Weaversville
Homе For Boys
And he told us what happened one night
When three boys got out
They attacked a guard
And took his gun
And they went around the place
Killing everyone
They rode off into the night
And they were never found
The Home was shut down after and the airport bought out all the
Long after that fateful night
My girlfriends and I were getting high
In an abandoned house
We heard a noise
And when we went to go check out what it was
We heard the most horrible screaming
And we ran the f*ck back to my friend’s car
And peeled away
Heading toward the S-curves of pitch black Weaversville Road
We smoked a blunt
And blasted college radio
And thought about how best to spend our evening
But after the last of the sharp turns
We saw the dim glow of taillights
A disabled sedan was pulled over
And we saw three men standing there
Yo Ben, should we see if they need help or something?
As our car pulled up to theirs
Each of the three men began laughing
Mouths full of perfect white teeth that shined like headlights
They tilted their heads back
And they howled into the nothingness of the empty sky
You wanna hear something really scary?
One of them was the guy that came to our school
And I don’t think he ever worked for the Allentown State
Hospital System
You know what they say Amy - when all you got is a hammer, everything looks like a nail