Children’s Trilogy lyrics
by Odetta
This is a goup of childrens songs and they cover everything from adults childrens songs to childrens-childrens songs and game songs
One and one are two
Two and two are four
Four times four are sixteen
Sixteen and sixteen are thirty-two
Old lady Sally wants to jumpty-jump
Jumpty-jump, jumpty-jump
Old lady Sally wants to jumpty-jump
And old lady Sally wants to bow
You thhrow that hook in the middle in the pond
Catch that girl with the red dress on
Go on, gal, ain't you shame?
Shamed of what?
Wearing your dress in the latest style
Many fishes in the brook
Papa catch 'em with a hook
Mama fried them in a pan
Baby eat 'em like a man
Preacher in the pulpit
Preaching like a man
Tryin to get to Heaven on a 'lectric fan
Do your best, pappy Daddy
There were five in the bed and the little one said:
Move over, move over
Well they all rolled over and one fell out
There were four in the bed and the little one said:
Move over, move over
Well they all rolled over and one fell out
There were three in the bed and the little one said:
Move over, move over
Well they all rolled over and one fell out
There were two in the bed and the little one said:
Move over, get over
Well he rolled over and he fell out
There were one in the bed and the little one said:
I'm lonesome