ericdoa [Discography List] lyrics
by Genius Users
Guide★ = Annotation with song information
(Release date, if previewed and/or leaked, etc.)
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"*" denotes an unconfirmed song title.ReleasedAlbums2020
Public Target ↗ — January 7, 2020
↗ 1. Target (Interlude)
↗ 2. Mirage
↗ 3. Grinding My Teeth (feat. lilspirit)
↗ 4. RightAway
↗ 5. Apart of Me (feat. TyFontaine & David Shawty)
↗ 6. Slide
↗ 7. GossipGirl (feat. SEBii)
↗ 8. #CryingMyEyesOut
↗ 9. Falling From Heaven (Honest)
COA ↗ — November 6, 2020
↗ 1. 2008
↗ 2. likewise
↗ 3. ivy
↗ 4. self sabotage
↗ 5. deep end
↗ 6. mistake
↗ 7. do or die (interlude)
↗ 8. loose ties (feat. grandma)
↗ 9. thingsudo2me (feat. brakence)
↗ 10. thanks4thewarning
↗ 11. plea2022
things with wings ↗ — May 20, 2022
↗ 1. stuck (intro)
↗ 2. ocd
↗ 3. lifeline ★
↗ 4. cheap liquor
↗ 5. broke my car radio
↗ 6. phases
↗ 7. night that we danced
↗ 8. primadonna
↗ 9. hey there nice to meet ya
↗ 10. haven
↗ 11. victim
↗ 12. fool4love ★
↗ 13. first day of summer
↗ 14. attention whore
↗ 15. commander dr (dear mama)2024
DOA ↗ — January 19, 2024
↗ 1. the cake is a lie
↗ 2. dancinwithsomebawdy ★
↗ 3. bigassbearman
↗ 4. kickstand ★
↗ 5. paystub
↗ 6. arm and a leg
↗ 7. lastjune
↗ 8. imcoolimgoodimstraight
↗ 9. crisis actor
↗ 10. sweet tooth ★EPs2018
Bleed Vol. 1 ↗ — November 5, 2018
↗ 1. hell girl
↗ 2. A Letter To Her
↗ 3. Save Yourself
↗ 4. Omen2019
Bleed Vol. 2 ↗ — February 26, 2019
↗ 1. dead man’s hand
↗ 2. Wake Up
↗ 3. Apathy
↗ 4. Dismay
↗ 5. Sunrise in New York
DOA - EP ↗ — July 7, 2019
↗ 2. PRETEND (feat. Austin Skinner)
↗ 4. PHEROMONES (feat. Kevin Kazi)
Public Target: Deluxe ↗ — March 20, 2020
↗ 1. Second Wind (Skit)
↗ 2. I Can Do Anything
↗ 3. Believer (feat. SportVVS)
↗ 4. Peroxide
↗ 5. Had2Reset
↗ 6. Reassure
hi, i’m dante ↗ — September 30, 2020
↗ 1. movinglikeazombie
↗ 2. himynameisdante
↗ 3. witchcraft2021
D.A.N.T.E ↗ — February 7, 2021
↗ 1. D.A.N.T.E
↗ 2. #murderers (feat. Pitfall)
↗ 3. dropoff
↗ 4. #UDontWantToDie (feat. Fraxiom, SEBii)
digital hate diary ↗ (released under avon hill 2004) — July 27, 2021
↗ 1. 7 reasons why you hate yourself
↗ 2. hysteria
↗ 3. acme
↗ 4. lapse (feat. mochila)
then i'll be happy ↗ with glaive — October 6, 2021
↗ 1. naturale
↗ 2. mental anguish
↗ 3. heather
↗ 4. pretending
↗ 5. physs
↗ 6. handle me
↗ 7. cloak n dagger
↗ 8. f*ck this townSingles2018
↗ hurt
↗ distance2019
↗ Hypnagogia
↗ Human Nature
↗ ifeeldisoriented
↗ ##DigitalAngel
↗ Disappointment2020
↗ Waist Deep in Cold Water
↗ WhatUWorried4?
↗ Delivered
↗ #hi #wassup
↗ Tendency / DSR-50
↗ ifhy
↗ badgirlsclub
↗ its all a waste (feat. glaive)
↗ sheaskedwhatmylifeislike
↗ on2u
↗ 2020 (im not as broke as i was and i had sex freestyle)
↗ coming2terms2021
↗ finale
↗ fantasize
↗ back n forth
↗ strangers2022
↗ sad4whattt2024
↗ oh, you don't say?!!Unreleased2020
↗ hot seat
↗ aldn - hug
↗ myheartbelongs2u
↗ when i met u*
↗ woke up2021
↗ bag talk
↗ boys don't cry
↗ dangerous (feat. SoFaygo)
↗ Zac Greer - go away (feat. contradash)
↗ good 4 u (Cover)
im in a hotel freestyle
↗ just a lie*
↗ Laugh2TheBank (Original)
↗ layover in milan
↗ look like me*
↗ maybe
↗ mentirosa
↗ Muddy*
↗ nightstand
↗ promises*
↗ suicide*
↗ SoFaygo - Trust Nobody
↗ brodie bout to c*m
↗ iswearillmakeitalright
↗ people person*
↗ u and i
↗ you're in danger*2023
↗ 21
↗ i'll be in your reach i promise
↗ novocaine
↗ trust*
↗ you'll be the reason i hate dinner