User Interview: fivemkelps lyrics
by Genius Users
laven: Hi Iditri! I'm really excited to interview you and find out some more about your Genius journey and your general interests. How's it going today?
Iditri (fivemkelps): It's going good. Only thing which concerns me is my sem exams and practicals. but they're far at this moment.
Oh, ofc a turtle
laven: very nice. let's not think about yucky exams now 🫢
Iditri: I have extreme sneezing at this moment apart from that
laven: nooo don't tell me i've infected you with covid xdd
Iditri: No, it's just common winter tale for me since years. I'm used to it. Only thing I'm missing is swollen fingers, definitely getting it in December 🔥
laven: shiit you always tell me about these illnesses that i've never heard of 😮
anyway, i wanna start with something positive/interesting. what is your favourite thing to do on Genius?
Iditri: Transcribing xD
I like annotating too.
That is aside from community interactions of course. I still think it's one of the best part and the reason why I'm still here even after two years
laven: i guess that makes sense since you are a transcriber 😄
i agree! the community was also what really expanded my Genius experience and made me interested in editing more stuff outside of my bubble. it's a really special community. Speaking of that, which parts of the community can you usually be found in?
Iditri: In general, you'd find me communicating in Genius Discord server. However for contribution, you can find me in Game Genius, Genius IN and Genius DE. Apart from that, I only contribute to the artists I listen to. Although my transcription frequency has severely dropped, I still try my best to leave an impression for the communities and hope that I'd act as a role model especially in Genius India as it is still a fruitioning community
laven: Damn, that's a big variety 😆 I think it would be interesting for people to know how you came to Genius Deutschland as an Indian person. It's not exactly the most similar countries :D
Iditri: Well, quarantine happened xD. I didn't have anything to kill time with anything at that time. So I resorted to learning a language. I randomly picked German.
So I started. And then, I chose to look for musicians in German. At that time, I think I found Mark Forster, Kraftklub and some others I don't remember anymore. I still held after that and didn't listen to German music apart from those few select songs that I did once. While I don't remember which one is it for Mark Forster, I remember that for Kraftklub, it was "Schüsse in die Luft" I think? Before that I listened to rap, it's a bad genre especially when you're learning a language because you won't get a thing for how many lingual puns it would have.
Then on ADHD Twitter (I miss that community man, thanks Elmo), while conversing, I spilled that I was learning German and then she was like she could help me out if I message her, so I did. She asked if she can suggest some songs, so I agreed and she shared one from Kraftklub, Alligatoah, and another one I don't remember, but it was a band starting with B I think, I don't remember it's been 4 years now. The songs were "Zu jung" and "Du bist schön". Then I also shared some from OK KID to her (as I knew of them before quarantine).
So that cemented my interest because I liked both. Then I listened to them due to which I started getting some in "Discover weekly", at that time, I'd religiously check my Discover weekly every week to see if I'd like some songs.
I think last artist I found was in 2022 after which I was like "Maybe that's enough artists for me" and now I only listen to those I found within the time frame of two years. While I'd find artists still, but nothing I'd follow as of no.
laven: Ah, "Schüsse in die Luft", a classic. I remember hearing it everywhere when i was a preteen, it's weird to think that you discovered these artists I grew up with by yourself. And all because you randomly picked German as a language 😆 sometimes when you ask me to crosscheck songs, I think to myself, you know more German artists than I do.
I know you also delve into German social media now and then, what do you think about the German culture? Would you ever wanna visit if possible?
Iditri: No way xD. It's not the first time I've heard this (second time).
I mean it's usually due to mindless scrolling continuously. And sh*tposting is sh*tposting no matter the language xD. However I don't really think I can comment on German culture simply because I don't live there. On the surface level, I like the German culture, but if answering in depth, I'm afraid I have no answer because what you see on the screen is vastly different from what you'd experience. This is not to say that German people are bad or anything. If anything, most I've interacted with are pretty chill people.
And yes, if I could, I would. I've heard there's a cathedral in Cologne which took 600 years to make. And 🗿 statue of Karl Marx somewhere xD. I know there's a lot like Neuschwanstein Castle, but yeah.
And about "Schüsse in die Luft", I heard the same from that friend xD. Looks like it was pretty popular a decade ago. I wouldn't really call it "finding by myself" though. I wouldn't have kept listening to them if it wasn't for my friend.
laven: then i guess we probably wouldn't have met if it hadn't been for your friend :0
about German culture, I see that it's hard to say much if your only exposure is the internet. but it would be awesome if you visited sometime. the things you mentioned are definitely cool, i'd say my Geheimtipps would be Dresden and/or Leipzig! i've kind of fallen in love with these east germany cities, they both have a cool vibe but also old impressive buildings
Iditri: Yeah, you can say so.
And related to German culture, yes. Only thing I can do at this moment is to cross my fingers 😄
laven: You mentioned that outside of your communities, you edit mostly for artists you like? can you tell me some stuff about your favourite artists? what kind of music do you listen to outside of German pop?
Iditri: Eh, they're not that unpopular. It's Bastille, Linkin Park, Coldplay (their old stuff before 2015), Imagine Dragons (old stuff before 2016 because their new work is stinky poopoo). Then I have some folk artists like Of Monsters and Men, Nanna, Bear's Den, All the Luck in the World. And then Saint Raymond. Also Ed Sheeran.
For Hindi, it's Ramil Ganjoo, Raman Negi, Neyhal, The Local Train etc. There would be times where I'd listen to Bring Me The Horizon sporadically.
laven: I see, a lot of kind of alt pop/rock bands you could say. Didn't know you liked Ed Sheeran :D he's got some nice stuff. What's your favourite song of his? Oh and of Imagine Dragons, that would be interesting to me 👀
Iditri: For Ed Sheeran, it's mixed because it depends on mood but out of all, "The A-Team" and "Lego House" take the cake definitely, followed by "Castle on the Hill". And then there's his Subtract album from which it's genuinely hard to decide because all of them are so damn good. Subtract is definitely one of those work which I love the most.
And for Imagine Dragons, it's "The Fall". It's so good, guitar tones are good, it's so good, it feels like the end of an album. Its breakdown segment is extremely good. Then there's "Shots", "I Bet My Life", "It's Time" (2011 one on YouTube). Their older songs are far more melodious than their work from Evolve. That's not to say that their new albums don't have good stuff — "Walking the Wire " is an absolute banger and so is "Rise Up" from Evolve. From Origins, "Bullet in a Gun" and "Burn Out". From Mercury, it's definitely "Giants" and "They Don't Know You Like I Do". There are some like "Ferris Wheel" which is just sweet or "Tied" and "I Wish". But from Loom, it can rot aside. I didn't like their first single, didn't like any after that either
And it sucks so much because when you compare the songs produced by band itself with those made by AlexDaKidd or Mattman & Robin, you can notice a difference. The one produced by the band feels more lively and amazing to listen to as compared to the latter. And it's kind of shame that only song produced by them which got viral was "It's Time" 13 years ago and after that, it was by either AlexDaKidd or Mattman & Robin
laven: damn most of the Imagine Dragons songs I've never heard of, definitely gotta check them out, and that's interesting Shame that they don't produce themselves then.
Iditri: You should. Especially the self-produced one, I find them far more superior than their current work. It's been 6-7 years since (they stopped producing their songs). It's a bummer honestly.
They've changed their tones many times since the band's age from 2008 so I won't be shocked if they change their music again after a few years. Because Mercury - Act 2 was a step in right direction and then they took four steps back with Loom
laven: I have to ask, what do you think about "Enemy"? I really like that song but I know some people don't.
Iditri: I got tired of that song really quick. It's a nice song, but you know sometimes when you get banged with a song too much everywhere, you start hating it? Yeah exactly that. The same thing was with "Thunder" which is ironic because it was their first song I listened to. It got worse when they re-released the first part with "Enemy" in it. Like why?
laven: yeah for sure, some popular songs you just hear too much
Iditri: Yes, I have blocked that song in my Spotify
laven: It seems I never asked the classic question but I feel like we can't stop the interview without it: how did you come across Genius and became involved in it?
Iditri: I don't really remember how I came here. I think it was to do with quarantine again even though I knew of this site since 2018. I made my account in 2020 and due to lack of any community, I stopped.
Then two years later when I became curator for Musixmatch, I thought it would be good if I check Genius out as well. So I did and chose to add lyrics to a Bear's Den song. I think it was "Stitch in Time".
At that time, I rather found a community easily because Tossing_Dice rejected my duplicate annotations and then I asked him basic genius questionnaire. Then I noticed that many of the artists I listen to don't have lyrics here.
So I started contributing after 4 months, thousandeyes asked if I'm interested in becoming a transcriber. After that, he mentored me for English. Naruto checked my Hindi and I had to negotiate with timo for German because he originally said that I wouldn't be doing German tracks if I became a transcriber. After haggling for a while, I don't have the transcriber privileges in German songs until the lyrics are directly given to me from the artist. As a matter of fact, when I went frenzy with German songs a year and half ago, I was warned with "Keep it up and you won't be doing German songs anymore"
So then I got my transcriber role and here I am, since then being silly and transcribing ever since. I've cast my eyes on editor role but I'm finding it hard to collect myself properly to dedicate for the role. I send my tates to zealot sometimes for feedback and there are still many gaps to be covered and I'll take my time gradually for that.
laven: Damn, sounds like quarantine had some beneficial consequences for you xd
that's cool that you had different mentors for different languages, probably a lot to learn.
cool that you're looking to become editor too! i know that it takes some dedication. i personally don't even feel ready for it haha
Iditri: You can say so. In the long run, quarantine had some beneficial consequences for me
laven: same though. don't know if i would have passed my Abitur so well if it hadn't been for Covid 🫢
So! I have two more questions for you that I just need to get out until we can close up the interview. First one: I know that you're a big gamer. Your top 3 favourite video games, go!
Iditri: It's hard to decide which one would be my favourite. They're not in an order — Hollow Knight, I think the game is pretty good, the artstyle is pretty nice and warm, the composition is even better. Especially the part in City of Tears where you go out in rain or in Crystal Mine when you're using superdash. I love that game except the Deepnest. f*ck that place. Anyone who hates that place is my friend without introduction.
Then, I'd say Dying Light. It's fun. Even though story is cliched, the gameplay loop is fun. I pirated it back in 2019 and finished it back then totally. Then took it for free in 2023 on Epic and then completed it and then bought it two months ago finally on Steam and still finished the main game at this point. I just love the game way too much, it's just fun and has a nice gameplay loop. The ambience work done by Paweł Błaszczak is great because it gives you a dread feeling about the world.
The third one is hard... because you have likes of Hades and then you also have games like Blasphemous. Whereas you also have then Sekiro. Darksiders 2, FF13, FF7 l, Worldless but I think I know who'll get this title.
Even though it's out of nostalgia glass, it's original RE4. When we moved out a decade ago, my brother and I didn't have anything to do anymore because outside was pure concrete lol. So my brother brought two discs — one of RE4, the original 2005 one and NFS: Carbon, even though they were pirated copies. NFS: Carbon didn't work so we worked out with RE4. This was that original version of 2005 so controls were in fact extremely stiff, no mouse support so you'd have to use keys to aim, albeit slower enemies accommodated that. It was scary in its own way. The game was like in 480p or something I don't know. But I still remember that game as fresh as I could. Even though the version was censored a lot as I had Biohazard 4 (Asian copy) instead of Resident Evil 4 (Global copy, or NA copy to be precise).
The game still feels new even now. And one of the funniest thing about the game was to figure out controls because I was using arrow keys to move at first but through trial and error, I found that I have to move with WASD. Then game had Quick timed events. So it had two commands (1+3) and (5+6). It took a huge chunk of time to learn what those buttons are. I think they were 1 was L. Ctrl and 3 I don't remember. 5 was L. Shift and 6 was R. Shift. Then I had to find out how to aim and shoot and stuff
Yeah, that's the rambling about my favourite games of all time. They're still hard to justify because this year I played a lot of good games that it can be hard to decide
laven: wow, these are very detailed opinions xD unfortunately i haven't played any of these games but Hollow Knight is definitely on my list.
alright, last question. i have to know, what is your favourite fruit?
Iditri: Apple and oranges. I like mango too but they can get messy sometimes. Yeah, I like Poms too.
I know — you can't eat it with dignity and it's too much work for just few seeds xD
laven: i just remember a video of a cat eating one and looking like it just murdered someone xd
Iditri: Lmao exactly xD
laven: but still, good choices!
I'd say that concludes or interview. thank you so much for your time and sharing your opinions and stuff ^^
Iditri: Yes indeed. Thanks for welcoming me for the interview as well. Have a good night.
[a rad image of turtle on a huge avocado]