Mac Miller Discography lyrics
by Genius Users
Spanning 18 years from 2007–2025, Mac Miller's official discography consists of 24 different projects released by himself and/or his estate, under a handful of different aliases:
• 7 albums (2 posthumous), 1 live album, 8 mixtapes, and 1 EP as Mac Miller (initially known as EasY MaC/EZ Mac)
• 1 EP & 1 mixtape as The Ill Spoken (early duo consisting of EZ Mac & Beedie)
• 3 mixtapes (1 collaborative) as Larry Fisherman (Producer alter-ego)
• 1 mixtape as Delusional Thomas (Horrorcore alter-ego)
• 1 EP as Larry Lovestein (Jazz alter-ego)Timeline19922007• [Nov. 1] EasY MaC - But My Mackin' Ain't Easy2008• [Sep. 12] The Ill Spoken - How High: The EP
• [Oct. 27] The Ill Spoken - How High: The Mixtape2009• [June 1] Mac Miller - The Jukebox: Prelude to Class Clown
• [Dec. 16] Mac Miller - The High Life2010• [Aug. 13] Mac Miller - K.I.D.S.2011• [March 11] Mac Miller - Best Day Ever
• [March 29] Mac Miller - On and On and Beyond
• [Oct. 14] Mac Miller - I Love Life, Thank You
• [Nov. 8] Mac Miller - Blue Slide Park2012• [March 23] Mac Miller - Macadelic
• [Nov. 21] Larry Lovestein & The Velvet Revival - You2013• [March 4] Larry Fisherman - Run-On Sentences, Volume One
• [June 18] Mac Miller - Watching Movies with the Sound Off
• [June 20] Vince Staples & Larry Fisherman - Stolen Youth
• [Oct. 31] Delusional Thomas - Delusional Thomas
• [Dec. 17] Mac Miller - Live from Space2014• [May 11] Mac Miller - Faces2015• [Sep. 18] Mac Miller - GO:OD AM
• [Dec. 29] Larry Fisherman - Run-On Sentences, Volume Two2016• [Sep. 16] Mac Miller - The Divine Feminine2018• [Aug. 3] Mac Miller - Swimming2020• [Jan. 17] Mac Miller - Circles2025• [Jan. 17] Mac Miller - Balloonerism