How to Contribute to Brainrot lyrics
by Genius Users
Ohio there, alphas, betas, sigmas and rizzlers! This guide explains all our rules for transcriptions and songpages of brainrot-based music so that they have W rizz.
Skibidi!What is brainrot?A term describing content that is of poor quality, "brainrot" often refers to internet memes that are considered cringe, and that are particularly popular in Generation Alpha.
This guide covers contributing to brainrot songs, whether by transcribing or editing its lyrics, Genius page's metadata, etc.TranscribingOrthographyDouble-check your transcriptionUse standardized spellingsUsе conventional capitalizationItalicize titles of TV shows, moviеs, podcasts, etc.Use correct punctuation and spellingFor general transcription standards and rules, read "How to Add Songs to Genius".What to do when you can’t work out what the artist saying in a part of the song you're transcribing?Sometimes, in brainrot, it's difficult to work out what an artist is saying. But don’t just guess! Here's what you can do:Check our Brainrot GlossaryUse "[?]"HeadersLike most Genius songs, headers must usually be added. Read "Song Sections & Headers Guide" for more info about headers and the correct use case.MetadataWhich tags should I add to brainrot songs?Which images should I add as the cover?Questions?If you have any questions or doubts regarding contribution to brainrot songs (lyrics, metadata. etc.), you can:Ask us, the creators of this guideAsk in GeniuscordYou can also ask in the comment section of this page or this page's annotations (if your question is relevant to them).