User Interview: LanaDelReyquaza lyrics
by Genius Users
Disclaimer: A mild precipitation over a large body of water is back, and more iconiqué than ever. In other words, sea rain's back to clog up the interviews with his slayage again. Kind of.
Channeling Vogue, of course, I'm here to present the third (and perhaps the best) installment of 73 Questions. We're here with Pop Editor @LanaDelReyquaza, aka Tyler, aka low-rent me. Just kidding.
SEREINIK: Hey, so I'm the one from Genius who's here to bother you about the 73 Questions. Are you ready?
LANADELREYQUAZA: Yes, I'm ready—I didn't spend two (or three) months away from Genius thinking about nothing!
SRK: What are you most excited for this summer?
LDR: I’m most excited to semi-revive my career on Genius (starting with this interview!)
SRK: First part of the body that you pay attention to when you meet someone?
LDR: Smile. Okay, that’s not a body part. I’d say teeth?
SRK: Earbuds or headphones?
LDR: Earbuds because headphones ruin my hair and I feel ugly with them.
SRK: Nah, you’re beautiful. So, what makes you beautiful?
LDR: Aw, thank you baby. I’d say my music taste makes me beautiful ;)
SRK: Favorite drag queen?
LDR: Naomi Smalls. Living LEGend.
SRK: Dream vacation spot?
LDR: Switzerland.
SRK: Fashion inspiration?
LDR: Children’s Place, GAP, etc.
SRK: Talk about your infamous button post.
LDR: I can’t believe you know about this post. It’s my deepest, darkest, worst secret. Basically it’s this “Would You Push The Button?” post that makes no sense and now it has like 600000 notes.
SRK: Describe meeting Marina in 6 words.
LDR: She actually tried to kill me.
SRK: Favorite play/musical?
LDR: Dreamgirls.
SRK: Hardest decision you’ve ever made?
LDR: Choosing to buy "Make Me…" or "Superlove" off iTunes with only $2 credit left.
SRK: Explain where you got your Pokémon/LDR hybrid of a username.
LDR: Oh! This is a popular question, actually. It really wasn't anything special: I’m a Pokémon stan and also a Lana stan, so I made a combination to show off my "well-rounded" interests.
SRK: Acoustic or studio?
LDR: Studio.
SRK: Thoughts on Justin Trudeau?
LDR: Sexy Canadian God.
SRK: Are you titanium?
LDR: Nah, I’m Heavy Metal and Reflective.
SRK: Guilty pleasure TV show?
LDR: Oh my god, Teen Wolf. I started watching it for the boys but the plot is surprisingly good. The boys are good too, obviously.
SRK: What does the world need more of?
SRK: First time your wig got snatched?
LDR: When Lady Gaga started bleeding out on 2009 VMA’s stage. Scalped, balded, edges burnt, etc.
SRK: Most influential adult on your life?
LDR: My mother. (Like, my actual, biological mother.)
SRK: Favorite 70’s/80’s album?
LDR: Donna Summer’s Once Upon A Time.
SRK: Maximize or minimize?
LDR: MAXimize.
What the f*ck, that's me. Like, literally. Petty queen keeps name-dropping.
SRK: Desktop or laptops?
LDR: Desktop.
SRK: How many followers do you have on Twitter?
SRK: Favorite YouTuber?
LDR: Marina Joyce.
SRK: Myer-Briggs personality type?
SRK: Rain or shine?
LDR: (Se)Rain!
SRK: Tell me about your mother in three adjectives.
LDR: Woke, hilarious, motherly.
SRK: Where’s your Ivy Park?
LDR: My bedroom. (Pretend “Lost In My Bedroom” by Sky Ferreira is playing in the background.)
SRK: An aspect of Genius that you’re in love with?
LDR: The community! A lil’ bit ironic that I’ve been sort of ghost for the past few months, but I’m excited to get back to being a casual part of it. :)
SRK: Color you hate to wear?
LDR: Orange. I look like a big f*cking pylon.
Look, it's Tyler and his f*cking friends.
SRK: What part of your morning routine takes the longest?
LDR: Waking up.
SRK: Song that you could kill lip syncing for your life?
LDR: Hands down, HANDS DOWN, “Get Outta My Way” by Kylie Minogue.
SRK: Favorite vegetable?
LDR: Zucchini.
SRK: What’s your anthem?
LDR: All My Friends (feat. Tinashe & Chance the Rapper) by Snakehips. Song of my life.
SRK: What color is your room?
LDR: Pale midnight blue.
SRK: Favorite social network?
LDR: Twitter! Follow me @tylerqyan. Shameless plug. I’m super active on there. ;)
SRK: A Genius user you wish you were closer friends with? Don’t worry, I won’t tell them, I’ll just publish this interview publicly.
LDR: Babuc! (Hit me up baby!)
SRK: Roses or carnations?
LDR: Carnations...they’re so pretty.
SRK: Are you a Carrie, a Miranda, a Samantha, or a Charlotte?
LDR: Carrie.
She's the b*tch in white.
SRK: Stupidest thing you've done for a crush.
LDR: Acted like I knew sh*t about sports. LMFAO.
SRK: Hit me up with a book recommendation.
LDR: Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff and It’s All Small Stuff by Richard Carlson.
SRK: A song you wish would disappear off the face of the earth.
LDR: “Me Too” by Meghan Trainor. (Don’t kill me but she did NOT deserve that pseudo-bop.)
SRK: Pretty word that comes to mind.
LDR: Neon.
SRK: Any idea why you were named Tyler?
LDR: Yeah! My parents’ names both start with T so I was made to continue the chain.
SRK: Country you wish you could visit?
LDR: China.
SRK: Describe your best friend in emojis.
LDR: 🍆🍑👅😜💕
SRK: What’s your aesthetiqué?
LDR: Thrift stores mixed with Marc Jacobs.
SRK: Favorite novel?
LDR: The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.
SRK: Best way to spend a night?
LDR: Staying up late talking and playing Pictionary/video games with my friends until we pass out.
SRK: Advice for anyone who’s scared to take a relationship a step further?
LDR: *Naomi Campbell voice* I do not want to comment. I haven’t even been in a relationship so please don’t ask me it reminds me I HAVEN’T BEEN IN A RELATIONSHIP. Next.
This b*tch.
SRK: Favorite thing in your room?
LDR: My FADER magazine: Zayn cover.
SRK: Dream job?
LDR: Famous actor. (I swear I’m good.) Asian representation!
SRK: What would your debut album be called if you were a rising pop star?
LDR: Club Soda. I don’t even drink carbonated drinks, but it sounds cute.
SRK: Suburban, urban, or rural?
LDR: Urban. I’m a city girl.
SRK: Most important quality in a teacher?
LDR: Don’t take yourself too seriously. Dzon't dzo it.
SRK: Go to coffee/drink order?
LDR: A Grande Classic Chai Tea Latte with three (ONLY THREE) ice cubes.
SRK: Sport you wish you could play?
LDR: Gymnastics.
SRK: Stripes or dots?
LDR: Dots.
SRK: Kill or maim?
SRK: Ice cream flavor for when you’re down in the dumps?
LDR: Ben & Jerry’s If I Had A Million Flavors.
A true maximalist hö.
SRK: Rising artist everyone needs to know about?
LDR: Tinashe. When the f*ck will she blow up? She’s seriously been trying for so, so, so, long. Like, so, so, so, so long. So long.
SRK: What’s on your lock screen at the moment?
LDR: Grace Jones. A legend.
SRK: Favorite art movement?
LDR: Probably ARTPOP.
SRK: Pro or con?
LDR: Pro(-choice.)
SRK: One thing you love about yourself?
LDR: My eyebrows and abnormally long arms and legs.
SRK: A friend of mine has a question for you. Hey, we all know that Tinashe is bae. What’s your favorite Tinabae song/lyric?
LDR: “Come When I Call.” One of her best songs to date (and that’s tea!) In terms of lyrics….I’d say the entire thing, though in particular: “Dissipate into me, circulate, let it bleed / Start me up like gasoline, you are my everything.”
SRK: Something minor that you regret?
LDR: Eating today at 2AM.
SRK: Have you had any pets?
LDR: Only pet fish which all had short lifespans and I cried for 2 hours every time one died so that’s why I don’t have pets anymore. Next.
SRK: Question 69: Lucky number?
LDR: The number of this question :) But definitely 32 and 17.
SRK: Hello or goodbye?
LDR: Hello (by Allie X.) But literally I’ve cried too much during goodbyes.
SRK: Why are you so goddamn irritating?
LDR: I’m a Cancer sun with Gemini moon and Scorpio rising...what do you want.
SRK: Are you a light or heavy sleeper?
LDR: A HEAVY sleeper. One time our fire alarm went off and my entire family panicked around the house while I slept through the entire incident. If it was a real fire I probably would’ve died but...I’m here so...!
SRK: One last question: do you prefer ocean spray, or sea rain?
LDR: Ocean spray. Sorry serein- I mean, sea rain.
Queen's just jealous because she's low-rent. Good interview, Tyler.