How to Make Songs/Artists Lowercase lyrics
by Genius Users
BackgroundGenius automatically capitalizes the first letter of every song and of every artist name. For the most part, this is good as it helps to enforce uniform capitalization guidelines.
But sometimes, artists and song names are supposed to start with a lowercase letter.
To do that, we will need to copy and paste a zero-width space (“”) before the first letter to keep it lowercase.
Examples include Post Malone’s “rockstar” and the name of producer and singer-songwriter blackbear.
(The zero-width space is between the quotation marks in the above paragraph. All you have to do is copy the quotes and then delete them individually.)Step-by-step InstructionsStep 1:Go to this page.
Step 2:Click on "Edit Lyrics" and type the desired text.
Note: we will be using genius demo for this example
Step 3:Copy/Select all the entire text and "Cancel."
Step 4:Now paste it into the desired field of the metadata. Click "Save."
Step 5:Celebrate for finally figuring it out!NB: Do post in the Help Forum for assistance if it doesn't work.