User Interview: matt lyrics
by Genius Users
butterscotch-pie: hi matt from Genius!!
matt: hi
butterscotch-pie: how are you doing honeybun?
matt: i was doing good until u called me honeybun?, wbu?
butterscotch-pie: i'm doing great honeybun? :D
ok, so, to begin: how did you discover genius, and what made you want to start contributing??
matt: i first found genius back when desiigner's panda was at it's peak, but i never contributed until i saw some sybyr lyrics that had a [?], and it just sorta kept going from that. i still remember my first activity onsite lmao, i made a lyric edit proposal and a whitehat stole it and added it themselves D:
butterscotch-pie: wow!! betrayal from day one :O
matt: next question hurry the f*ck up
butterscotch-pie: oh!! speaking of sybyr, i have a couple questions about him!!
one of your biggest accomplishments on site is becoming top scholar on Sybyr, with almost 40k IQ! how exactly did you discover his music, and what about it turned you into such a superfan?
matt: i discovered his music back in 2016 when he still performed under syringe, i was like 12, i found Sound of Irritation through soundcloud autoplay , i was already listening to death grips at the time so it was pretty easy to get into his music, i really lucked out cuz SOI is one of his most industrial records---it made it easy to get into his other material. i listened to him on and off for a few months afterwards, but gradually stopped listening. i rediscovered his music shortly after he changed his name to sybyr, around april 2018, and it just sorta clicked with me and i haven't been able to stop listening since lmao
butterscotch-pie: nice :D keeping with the same theme, if anyone has read one of the thousand annotations you've made about Landfill, they would know he is the producer alter-ego of Sybyr! so, with that in mind, what is the best Landfill beat, and why is it your favorite?
matt: f*ck! hard yet easy question, it's "rnb deez nutz bish," mainly cuz it's the beat to my favourite sybyr track---my fav unused beat has to be "medusa takin tuu long"---ngl i find myself just listening to beats on their own sometimes
butterscotch-pie: nice, i feel u, sometimes u wanna vibe without the vocals!! next question: in your opinion, who is the most underrated member of Anti-World?
matt: ghostie! he gets the most media coverage when it comes to artists in the collective, frequent reviews from publications, interviews, etcetera, his recent output is unrivalled, Self Hate Wraith is 99% staying my 2020 album of the year, even tho it dropped in march. the only way i could see it being beaten is if ghostie drops another full-length
butterscotch-pie: thats nice!! spooky name tho :'D ok, now, what is your musical guilty pleasure?
matt: 100 gecs, i hate it but love it at the same time
butterscotch-pie: ooh interesting, i enjoy their song "ringtone remix" :D
matt: original ringtone > the remix
butterscotch-pie: ur wrong :D anyways :D
now, here on Genius most of us know about your music taste, but what about other media? what TV shows or movies are you into?
matt: all my fav tv shows are luther, sherlock, and black mirror, ngl tho they all kinda became sh*t towards the end---ik black mirror hasn't finished but the newer episodes just aren't as good as earlier seasons. i dont think i have any fav movies tbh my attention span is trash, get out was pretty cool tho
butterscotch-pie: interesting, i can relate to having a bad attention span for movies :D ok, now, because i am nardwuar, i looked through some of your older genius stuff and found a real gem!! could you please explain why you are the top scholar on this masterpiece?
matt: i don't see the issue with the song, but, red removal, lots and lots of red removal, im sure u can imagine whitehats having an absolute field day with that track. they're like little kids with water pistols
butterscotch-pie: mm i can imagine :waterpistolemoji:
ok so, here on genius you've participated in a lot of things!! what genius project/initiative are you the most proud of starting or contributing to?
matt: by far the "Warning Templates & Examples" page, it's such a simple page but it's saved myself and other meds+ countless hours from having to write out messages for every warning/strike we have to give out. if ur a med+ and dont use that page i feel bad for u
butterscotch-pie: ooh yes, very very useful. it'll come in handy whenever i do Moderator things!! :D ok now break out the tea and crumpets for this question :D what is the best and worst thing about living in the UK?
matt: fav thing has to be the weather, i like the rain more than any other weather, but as im typing this it's the hottest day of the year and i am melting, worst thing is the food, it's actually disgusting, all traditional english meals look like something u'd get out from a trashcan. u can't tell me that u'd eat this ever
butterscotch-pie: hmm ive seen more appetizing meals... ok now we're nearing the end of this interview, with just a couple more questions to go!! now here's a fun question: what are your top 5 albums OF ALL TIME?!?!
matt: EASY!
1. Sybyr - HELLHORSE
2. Sybyr - ANTI-WORLD
3. Sybyr - Deal With It
4. Sybyr - Shuv These Colors Up Your Anus
5. Ghostie - Self Hate Wraith
butterscotch-pie: wowie!! i had no idea u were a sybyr fan!! jk ROFL
matt: Haha.
butterscotch-pie: ok
final question
oh that was the last question
matt: write another one
butterscotch-pie: oh my god, u are unbelievable
matt: just google interview questions r smthn. make it genius related
butterscotch-pie: i googled interview questions: Tell Me About a Time You Failed (at being a good user on Genius)
matt: tbh right after i became an editor i started slackin, i put way less effort into my annotations, i'm kinda surprised i didn't get a de-ed warning at one point lmao. i think a good thing to keep in mind when working on anything editorial is to think "what would brian do?"---shoutout to hampered for creating that so i can steal it
butterscotch-pie: okay cool!! well matthew, that sadly brings us to the end of this interview. i've had a great time talkin to you :D any closing words?
matt: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
stream self hate wraith [ghostie fancam]
butterscotch-pie: (◕‿◕)♡