User Interview: Yessirre & ckr lyrics
by Genius Users
Yessirre: I’ll start this off by asking you what’s a song that you would recommend to me right now? What are you listening to that you have on repeat? I don’t know if we share a lot of common interests but I’m always open to try something new, I wanna hear your very best.
ckr: Hmmm, well the type of music I listen to is pretty much a mixed bag. I really love “Fangs” by Matt Champion though. There’s this more mellow, monotone delivery that builds up to the chorus in an almost angelic way. My partner sent me this playlist of a bunch of different lovе songs and “Fangs” was probably my favorite out of dozens of others.
Yеssirre: Just had a quick listen, a little smooth R&B vibe is going on there. I definitely like the pre-chorus too. I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily my thing, but it’s clear you have a massive passion for music just from your taste alone.
ckr: Thanks! I didn’t really prepare anything to ask, mainly cuz I’m a bit better when I’m forced to think on the spot. What type of music did you grow up listening to? That’s always interesting since taste tends to be either very similar or dramatically different.
Yessirre: I honestly wish I could say I listen to some of the pioneers of hip-hop but most of Kanye’s and Jay-Z’s discography was releasing while I was still playing with Pokemon cards. Hell, I wasn’t even born when Biggie and Tupac released their best work. So the music I grew up on is best demonstrated by the XXL Class of 2016. Man, they really made middle school for me and to this day: Uzi, 21, Denzel, the Migos. I hate to be basic but I fell in love with mumble rap. Young Thug, Future, and Chief Keef single handedly inspired my entire music library. My friend is trying to get me into some old Kanye stuff tho. All Of The Lights slaps !!
ckr: Lmao I love the shift we saw in rap. The Chief Keefs of that era are when the south started dominating. The east and west coast rivalry became way less of thing. Trap was born. I think Rage Against the Machine is probably the band that defines the music I grew up on. My mom is such a huge rock fan and I’ve been inspired by it in my own work too. I still love that kinda music but I can listen to the softest, chillest stuff too.
Yessirre: Oh absolutely, but what I’m wondering is how does someone like you have such a diverse music taste? You seem pretty knowledgeable about hip-hop but I was stalking your page in preparation for this interview and noticed the meaning behind your username, aside from being your name, is currently related to an inactive blackbear fan account. Could you give me some insight on how and why you became such a huge fan of blackbear to become his number 1 scholar on Genius and also why you created a fan account in his name? How did CKR become the music scholar he is today and how does blackbear play into that?
ckr: Well, I should’ve known this was coming at some point lol. I suppose I’ll address the fan account first (you’ve really done your research). I used to rack up thousands of views cuz I would stalk bear’s instagram story for whenever he posted a new snippet and put it on my youtube “beartrap world.” Also, I had an instagram that basically promoted any information I had about releases. blackbear is the actual reason I joined Genius. I was obsessed with his music and wanted to clean up his discography to the best of my ability.
Yessirre: Well, I kind of had to stalk your profile when you hyped yourself up in the comments for the interviews. You made yourself out to be so interesting - this story did not disappoint. I honestly feel that, most of the people I transcribe now, I don’t vibe with the music all that much but it is cool to feel like you’re making your mark for that specific artist. I’m proud to say that I got to contact some of my favorite artists just through putting their lyrics up!
ckr: Wasn’t really thinking about this when I said that haha, mostly supposed to be a joke but I guess I do have a somewhat cool history on the site. Oh yeah, and Genius became a huge part of my fan IG too – I’d transcribe everything and we’d make huge potential tracklists based on what we’d heard. People would repost it all over. I’ve been on the Korean side nowadays more than anything. I had a friend that really made an impact on me one year and they got me obsessed with K-Pop and Korea’s culture as a whole.
Yessirre: Ay bro slow down, you a time traveler or sum? How did you know I was just about to ask you about what influenced you to look into Korean pop? It’s not exactly easy to ignore because your Genius page seems like you’re setting it as a high priority, would you mind diving deeper and tell me why exactly Korean pop of all things interests you most? Give me everything. Give me the Korean pop lore. The whole wiki article. Whenever I tell my friends I listen to underground hip-hop they immediately lose interest because I go off on tangents about all the people I’ve met through it, so this is your chance to go off on a tangent about how great K-pop is. Because, I’ll be honest, I have a few friends who enjoy it and it is for you or not for you. I can 100% see the appeal tho.
ckr: I feel the stigma against the genre is it’s different, it’s foreign, it’s overwhelming. And with that, people like to simplify by generalizing it as BTS or even BLACKPINK now. You gotta go deeper to really understand what makes it so appealing. It’s the diversity in style, the careful visual design, the choreography for oftentimes multiple songs from every release, the personality you see in these idols through variety shows.
Yessirre: I can agree with that, I don’t really vibe with it at all but come on, the genre has to be the most hated one out there (maybe country music idk). Anyways, yeah, I get you. There is a lot to K-pop music that people don't get to see! Let's switch gears and I’ll ask you this. (Aside from me 😈) Who are some specific users on the platform that you admire? I don’t reach out to a lot of bigger names even though I would very much like to. I’m wondering whose work inspires you?
ckr: It’s honestly impossible to say for sure all of the people who inspire me cuz all so many of the people I’ve interacted with over my time here have been amazing for the communities they represent. Ssaa10dec is the leader and driving force that the Korean side was missing. Genius Korea has been representing the country’s music better in this past year than ever before. blustery, man. Actual God when it comes to lesser known and more specifically lesser known meme rap. worstofalltime has been such an amazing staff member to interact with. peaker is top of the list right now when it comes to contributors. So much passion. I could go on and on.
Yessirre: If anyone has helped me become the user I am today, it’s Ferbinho and blustery. They both have so much like not even passion, it’s straight up devotion to the music. I wish there was an easier way to connect with users because just by their annotations you can tell they’re super interesting people. Some people I admire but I’ve never had chance to reach out to... Chloe Conlon, single handedly carrying Genius on her back by how much cleanup she does. Proxim is another user who I think recently became an editor, he also works a lot in my department of underground rap. The man is a machine - I wish I had the dedication. And lastly there is Origiginal. He listens to almost the exact same music as I do and I see his name everywhere I go. He has no idea I exist and yet I am so compelled by his work. Really great editor. So yeah, shoutout to all those 🐐’s!
ckr: I ALMOST MENTIONED CHLOE. Her projects are insane and she’s really the only person I know from the Ireland community besides the one that promoted me to editor (Tossing Dice). My knowledge of Irish gaelic (or, technically, just Irish) is a large part of what gave me the tools to expand my reach in the first place and it’s insane because it makes me feel so connected to my heritage.
Yessirre: Interesting, indeed. Very diverse thing you’ve got going on.
ckr: Where are you from, anyway?
Yessirre: Minnesota actually, what about you?
ckr: Originally from Vancouver B.C. out in the maple syrup land man. I’ve been living in North Florida essentially my whole life though.
Yessirre: The dream honestly, I’m scared of moving out the Midwest but come on, beaches might be the move! Now I don’t know about you but I could talk about Genius for hours but I’m sure that wouldn’t be as interesting as it sounds, so besides all that what else do you do? Personally I have a passion for movies and I’ve learned to appreciate the outdoors more. I think I’m finally content with myself when I’m alone - only wish the schoolwork got easier and then I’d really have some free time. TV shows too…
ckr: Honestly binging YouTube has been something I’ve done way more than Netflix or anything but if we’re talking about that stuff, Cobra Kai is ADDICTING. I don’t often find the time to get myself super interested in a show. Tiny sidenote, my family hasn’t had cable in years – we just cut it off after we realized no one was using it anymore and haven’t missed it since!
Yessirre: I actually never had cable, felt like buying the season pass for the TV. My parents bought a Roku and you best believe I watched every show they had on Netflix. Rn I’m currently going through Ozark and my God is it an addicting, super surprising show. As for YouTube, I’d have to say penguinz0 AKA Cr1tical is super funny, along with Wavy Websurf and WHANG. I never got into Cobra Kai but my dad loves it
ckr: It’s funny you say that. I actually have a Roku connected to the same display as my computer and I watch it whenever I’m done for the day. I got into Ozark for a little bit a while back, maybe I’ll try again! penguinz0’s commentary and attitude is my favorite on the site, one of those people you could listen to for hours, yknow.
Yessirre: For real. That man never fails to make me laugh! You seen the "Wine Tasting As A Sport" video? Absolutely hilarious - watch it if you have the time.
ckr: I think I have lol. Unrelated but what’s your attitude when it comes to social media?
Yessirre: No, no, feel free to ask unrelated questions. Social media? I definitely know people who use it more than me but I 100% use it too much. I’m always on my Twitter, Instagram is how I keep up with my friends lives, Snapchat I use everyday. I probably should tone it down tbh but it’s impossible to avoid these days . Some of the platforms are super toxic and annoying to use, so I stay away from Reddit and stuff like that. What about you, ckr?
ckr: I used to be pretty obsessed with it until I broke my phone and didn’t have one for about a week. It was so peaceful without that noise that I never downloaded Twitter, IG, Reddit, etc again. The only things I really use are Discord and Telegram. I think it’s good to keep up with people but it’s so easy for me and many others to get overly invested in what’s going on with their lives.
Yessirre: The exact opposite for me. Honestly never really heard of Telegram but I deleted Discord for good yesterday, actually. I didn’t like any of the communities I met on there and there was always some dumb drama that I had to deal with. I was worried about getting involved with another community of people I had never met when I joined Genius, but it’s probably one of the best decisions I’ve made. Everyone is so chill for the most part. But yeah, totally understand where you’re coming from. What I meant by exact opposite is that I think it feels good to me whenever I have a lot of notifications, like it makes me feel that stuff is happening and people still check in with me, or I’m just addicted to my phone 🤷 idk
ckr: I know a dude that averages about 12 hours a day on his phone, even peaked at 16 once lol
Yessirre: Bruh I’m 16.5 😭 LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Yessirre: Nah, you ain’t gotta worry. My friends connected the dots way before you did. I needa start giving this up for Lent or sum lmao.
ckr: Does anything in school interest you at all? I didn’t really like anything all that much until I started taking AP World this year. The work is hard but the teacher is amazing. Any classes like that?
Yessirre: I have an English class called the Graphic Novel and you get to analyze comic books and other stuff like that. It is exactly my type of English class - really laid back. Yeah, there is still essays and stuff but I get to read comic books for school. I’ve always had a passion for Marvel and DC like that, so I’m really happy I applied for it. I’m also taking a film class this year which I’m excited about. I’m a junior, so I realize I have to take the tests seriously this year and I’m not looking forward to that. I’m gonna have to do a lotta prep.
ckr: I assume you mean highschool?
Yessirre: Yeah, unfortunately still here.
ckr: I think I’m a bit younger than you then - that’s actually interesting. I’m a sophomore. Not all too public about my age cuz it’s one of those things that creates meaningless judgement on the internet more than anything. Everyone I know from the outside thinks my passion in Genius is boring as helllll. English work has always somewhat cool to me too. I’m analyzing writings about the impact of the game industry rn.
Yessirre: That is weird to me, you’re taking AP classes too? Younger and smarter than me! Makes you think, huh? I joined Genius because I wanted to help out some of the artists I really love. I actually think I just passed my one year anniversary on here. But it was more about the fact that I wanted their lyrics to be accurate and it was only after the fact that I realized how much Genius is really about quality writing work, work looking back I can say was never some of my best. My annotations still are a bit rough around the edges but we’re getting there. English isn’t my best subject anyways. Either way, I agree - whenever I explain Genius to someone else they snooze off...
ckr: Genius has definitely benefited me in writing – I can say that for sure. My style feels a lot cleaner now. You should really be an editor at some point!
Yessirre: I’m actually going through the editor process right now but making a good annotation is harder for me than it should be. English is not my best subject and when I really try on annotations, there is always one or two tiny mistakes I make. Even if I got editor, I would be worried about losing it. idk we’ll have to wait and see. I would definitely love to though! There are so many lines out there that need explaining.